Arguments and Case
Explaining Burzio’s Generalization
The ideas presented by the contributions in this volume originated in a workshop on Burzio’s generalization. Burzio’s Generalization (BG) states that a verb which does not assign an external theta-role to its subject does not assign structural accusative Case to an object and conversely. It connects cross-linguistic similarities between e.g. passives, raising verbs, and unaccusatives. However, it does so by linking very different properties of a predicate. This raises fundamental questions about its theoretical status. The contributions in this volume explore BG’s theoretical basis. A consensus emerges that BG is, in fact, an epiphenomenon, due to the interaction of different principles of grammar. Moreover, the contributions show a striking convergence as to how BG is ultimately derived. The results obtained make a significant contribution to the further development of theories of Case and thematic relations.
[Linguistik Aktuell/Linguistics Today, 34] 2000. xii, 255 pp.
Publishing status: Available
Published online on 21 October 2008
Published online on 21 October 2008
© John Benjamins Publishing Company
Table of Contents
List of Contributors | p. ix
Preface | pp. xi–xii
Explaining Burzio’s Generalization: Exploring the issuesEric J. Reuland | pp. 1–10
Case and LicensingAlec Marantz | pp. 11–30
The License to License: Licensing of structural case plus economy yields Burzio’s GeneralizationHubert Haider | pp. 31–55
The nature of verbs and Burzio’s generalizationTeun Hoekstra | pp. 57–78
Oblique Subjects and Burzio’s GeneralizationAnoop K. Mahajan | pp. 79–102
Thetablind Case: Burzio’s Generalization and its Image in the MirrorItziar Laka | pp. 103–129
The Aspect-case Typology Correlation: Perfectivity and Burzio’s GeneralizationWerner Abraham | pp. 131–193
Anatomy of a GeneralizationLuigi Burzio | pp. 195–240
Name Index | pp. 241–244
Subject Index | pp. 245–253
“The introduction by Eric Reuland is a clear and elegant road map: it formulates the core question and summarizes the proposed answers, clearly highlighting the most interesting theoretical issues brought up by each paper. The best review of this volume is Reuland's introduction.”
Chiara Frigini, University of Toronto in Canadian Journal of Linguistics 47(3/4), 2002
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This list is based on CrossRef data as of 18 december 2024. Please note that it may not be complete. Sources presented here have been supplied by the respective publishers. Any errors therein should be reported to them.
Main BIC Subject
CF: Linguistics
Main BISAC Subject
LAN009000: LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Linguistics / General