Article published In:
Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism: Online-First ArticlesFacilitative use of classifiers in heritage Vietnamese
Recent research has highlighted the value of investigating the online language processing of heritage speakers
(HS) as a means of accessing their implicit language knowledge (Montrul, 2023). While
studies have shown that Spanish and Polish HS use grammatical gender cues to predict upcoming nouns (Fuchs, 2022a, 2022b), less is known about Vietnamese HS’ use
of prenominal classifiers (e.g., con for animate objects, cái for inanimate objects) to
facilitate their processing (but see Ito et al., 2024). This study examined if and how
home-country raised and heritage speakers of Vietnamese in the U.S. use classifiers to facilitate the processing of upcoming
nouns, and whether heritage language proficiency is a modulating factor. Forty-one adult native speakers of Vietnamese (18
home-country raised, 23 HS) completed a visual-world eye-tracking experiment, an offline cloze test to assess knowledge of
classifier–noun pairings, and a Vietnamese listening proficiency test. The results indicate that despite more variable knowledge
of classifier–noun pairings and generally slower lexical access, HS use classifiers as a semantically informative cue during
real-time comprehension, albeit to a somewhat lesser extent than their home-country raised peers. Increased proficiency in the
heritage language, whether measured objectively or self-rated, was not found to enhance engagement in prediction.
Keywords: classifiers, Vietnamese, heritage, eye-tracking, listening proficiency
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Background
- 2.1Processing of classifiers among adult L1 speakers
- 2.2Processing of classifiers in L2
- 2.3Online processing of noun class information by heritage speakers
- 2.4Classifiers in Vietnamese
- 3.This study
- 3.1Participants
- 3.2Materials
- 3.2.1Language Background Questionnaire (LBQ)
- 3.2.2Vietnamese Listening Proficiency Test (VLPT)
- 3.2.3Visual-world experiment
- 3.2.4Classifier–noun pairing test
- 3.3Procedure
- 3.4Analysis
- 4.Results
- 4.1Classifier–noun pairing test
- 4.1.1Typical nouns
- 4.1.2Atypical nouns
- 4.2Visual-world experiment
- 4.2.1Mouse-click accuracy
- 4.2.2Eye-gaze: Typical nouns
- 4.2.3The role of proficiency
- 4.2.4Eye gaze: Atypical nouns
- 4.1Classifier–noun pairing test
- 5.Discussion
- 6.Limitations and future directions
- 7.Conclusion
- Data availability statement
- Acknowledgements
Available under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) 4.0 license.
For any use beyond this license, please contact the publisher at [email protected].
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