Left is right, right is not
On the constituency of the classifier phrase in Chinese
This paper argues for the left-branching constituency of the Chinese classifier phrase and demonstrates that the
right-branching approach assumed by the majority of current syntactic works is not viable. The rejection of the right-branching
approach entails the rejection of the “split” approach, where both left- and right-branching structures are required. In this
debate, we offer a vital fresh perspective from the syntax and mathematics of complex numerals. We examine the right-branching
argumentation in
A. Li (2014), which, crucially, extends
Ionin & Matushansky’s (2006) non-constituent account of complex numerals, e.g.
hundred, in non-classifier languages like English to Chinese and must rely on ellipsis and a silent element YIDIAR ‘a
bit’. Yet, complex numerals in Chinese, e.g.
liang bai ‘200’, are in fact constituents (
He 2015), and the alleged YIDIAR ‘a bit’ does affect the semantics of the noun phrase and is thus by
definition illicit (
Her & Tsai 2014;
2015). Other evidence comes from Chinese synchronic and diachronic syntax as well as the typology of classifier word
orders. While the overall argumentation centers on Chinese, it has significant cross-linguistic implications.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Two camps, four positions
- 3.Constituency of complex numerals
- 3.1A multiplicative theory of C/M and its implications on C/M constituency
- 3.2
Ionin & Matushansky (2006): Non-constituent account of English numerals
- 3.3
He’s (2015): Constituency account of Chinese numerals
- 3.4Extending the constituency of complex numerals to [Num C/M] in Chinese
- 3.5Complex numerals and C/M word order typology
- 4.Revisiting A. Li (2014)
- 4.1Evidence from ban/duo ‘half/more’
- 4.2Property-denoting [Num C/M] phrases
- 4.3Phonologically-inserted de in the C/M phrase
- 4.4The discrepancy between Cs and Ms
- 5.Conclusion
- Acknowledgements
- Notes
- Abbreviations
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Specifier-to-head reanalysis: evidence from mandarin and Cantonese.
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► pp. 799 ff.

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