Exploring Crash-Proof Grammars
The Minimalist Program has advanced a research program that builds the design of human language from conceptual necessity. Seminal proposals by Frampton & Gutmann (1999, 2000, 2002) introduced the notion that an ideal syntactic theory should be ‘crash-proof’. Such a version of the Minimalist Program (or any other linguistic theory) would not permit syntactic operations to produce structures that ‘crash’. There have, however, been some recent developments in Minimalism – especially those that approach linguistic theory from a biolinguistic perspective (cf. Chomsky 2005 et seq.) – that have called the pursuit of a ‘crash-proof grammar’ into serious question. The papers in this volume take on the daunting challenge of defining exactly what a ‘crash’ is and what a ‘crash-proof grammar’ would look like, and of investigating whether or not the pursuit of a ‘crash-proof grammar’ is biolinguistically appealing.
[Language Faculty and Beyond, 3] 2010. xii, 301 pp.
Publishing status: Available
Published online on 15 September 2010
Published online on 15 September 2010
© John Benjamins Publishing Company
Table of Contents
Preface & Acknowledgments | p. ix
List of contributors | p. xi
Exploring crash-proof grammars: An introductionMichael T. Putnam | pp. 1–12
Part I Applications of crash-proof grammar
Computation efficiency and feature inheritance in crash-proof syntaxHamid Ouali | pp. 15–30
Implications of grammatical gender for the theory of uninterpretable featuresVicki Carstens | pp. 31–58
The Empty Left Edge ConditionHalldór Ármann Sigur∂sson and Joan Maling | pp. 59–86
Part II The crash-proof debate
Grammaticality, interfaces, and UGDennis Ott | pp. 89–104
A tale of two minimalisms: Reflections on the plausibility of crash-proof syntax, and its free-merge alternativeCedric Boeckx | pp. 105–124
Uninterpretable features: What are they and what do they do?Samuel David Epstein, Hisatsugu Kitahara and T. Daniel Seely | pp. 125–142
Syntactic relations in Survive-minimalismMichael T. Putnam and Thomas Stroik | pp. 143–166
Toward a strongly derivational syntaxBalázs Surányi | pp. 167–212
On the mathematical foundations of crash-proof grammarsTommi Tsz-Cheung Leung | pp. 213–244
Crash-proof syntax and filtersHans Broekhuis and Ralf Vogel | pp. 245–268
Crash-free syntax and crash phenomena in model-theoretic grammarRui P. Chaves | pp. 269–298
Index | pp. 299–301
“Mike Putnam has put together the perfect and most up to date gateway into the world of crash-proof syntax. Can syntactic derivations fail to produce viable structures of meaning and sound? This is a cutting-edge and radically open question of human language design, which affects both linguistic description and theory, within and beyond linguistic Minimalism. Whatever one’s answer to the question, the journey into this important territory should start from this book.”
Wolfram H. Hinzen, Professor of Philosophy, Durham University
Cited by (5)
Cited by five other publications
Harizanov, Boris
Ruys, E. G.
Epstein, Samuel David, Hisatsugu Kitahara & T. Daniel Seely
Kosta, Peter & Diego Gabriel Krivochen
2014. Flavors of movement. In Minimalism and Beyond [Language Faculty and Beyond, 11], ► pp. 236 ff. 
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Main BIC Subject
CFK: Grammar, syntax
Main BISAC Subject
LAN009000: LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Linguistics / General