Article published In:
Language, Interaction and Acquisition
Vol. 4:1 (2013) ► pp.124
Cited by (7)

Cited by seven other publications

Mitchell, Rosamond & Florence Myles
2024. Lexical frequency and target language input in the primary languages classroom. The Language Learning Journal  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Brown, Dale
2021. Incidental vocabulary learning in a Japanese university L2‐English language classroom over a semester. TESOL Journal 12:4 DOI logo
Marcos Miguel, Nausica
2021. Vocabulary instruction in an L2 culture course: the intersection of classroom discourse, materials, and instructor’s choices in lexical focus-on-form episodes. Classroom Discourse 12:1-2  pp. 35 ff. DOI logo
Marcos Miguel, Nausica
2022. Vocabulary in Spanish L2 content-based courses: how do classroom elaborations provide a space for learning general and specialised vocabulary?. The Language Learning Journal 50:6  pp. 684 ff. DOI logo
McLaughlin, Emma & Jean Parkinson
2018. ‘We learn as we go’: How acquisition of a technical vocabulary is supported during vocational training. English for Specific Purposes 50  pp. 14 ff. DOI logo
Tocaimaza‐Hatch, C. Cecilia
2016. Mediated Vocabulary in Native Speaker–Learner Interactions During an Oral Portfolio Activity. Foreign Language Annals 49:2  pp. 336 ff. DOI logo
Asención-Delaney, Yuly, Joseph G. Collentine, Karina Collentine, Jersus Colmenares & Luke Plonsky
2015. El potencial de la enseñanza del vocabulario basada en corpus: optimismo con precaución. Journal of Spanish Language Teaching 2:2  pp. 140 ff. DOI logo

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