The aim of the present exploratory study was twofold. The first was to investigate how indicators of high-level proficiency (collocations and grammaticality judgment) related to aptitude in late French L2 learners. Results showed a significant positive correlation between collocations and performance on the LLAMA D (Meara 2005). The second question concerned how personality relates to indicators of high-level L2 proficiency (collocations and grammaticality judgment). Two personality dimensions in the Multicultural Personality Questionnaire (Van der Zee & van Oudenhoven 2000) were significantly and positively correlated with scores for collocations and the LLAMA D. The preliminary findings suggest that collocations are a valid measure for high-level L2 proficiency and that it is necessary to consider both personality and social-psychological factors when predicting successful L2 learning.
2024. Formulaic language in L1 and advanced L2 English speech: multiword structures in the speech of two Swedish groups compared to a group of L1 English speakers. Text & Talk 44:2 ► pp. 175 ff.
Iizuka, Takehiro & Robert DeKeyser
2024. Scrutinizing LLAMA D as a measure of implicit learning aptitude. Studies in Second Language Acquisition 46:1 ► pp. 28 ff.
Öztekin, Elifcan & Ecehan Candan
2024. The role of language aptitude probed within extensive instruction experience: morphosyntactic knowledge of advanced users of L2 English. International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching 62:2 ► pp. 693 ff.
Boone, Griet & June Eyckmans
2023. Exploring collocation development in L2 German from students’ perspective: A contrasting case study. Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching 13:3 ► pp. 571 ff.
Dąbrowska, Ewa & Tan Arda Gedik
2023. Lexical knowledge, memory and experience. Yearbook of the German Cognitive Linguistics Association 11:1 ► pp. 57 ff.
Forsberg Lundell, Fanny, Klara Arvidsson & Andreas Jemstedt
2023. What factors predict perceived nativelikeness in long-term L2 users?. Second Language Research 39:3 ► pp. 597 ff.
Lundell, Fanny Forsberg, Klara Arvidsson & Andreas Jemstedt
2023. The importance of psychological and social factors in adult SLA: The case of productive collocation knowledge in L2 Swedish of L1 French long-term residents. Studies in Second Language Acquisition 45:2 ► pp. 558 ff.
Sun, Ting & Hyunjeong Nam
2023. Variations in Vocabulary Depth Among Second Language Learners with Comparable Vocabulary Breadths: An Empirical Investigation. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research 52:6 ► pp. 2473 ff.
Burnell, Kerrin
2022. Language Test Feedback and Learner Personality: Implications for Asian Classrooms. In Individual and Contextual Factors in the English Language Classroom [English Language Education, 24], ► pp. 57 ff.
Sedaghatgoftar, Nasrin & Susanne Maria Reiterer
2022. Second language pragmatics aptitude. Cogent Arts & Humanities 9:1
2022. The Hare and the Tortoise: The Race on the Course of L2 Learning. The Modern Language Journal 106:4 ► pp. 764 ff.
Farshi, Najmeh & Mansoor Tavakoli
2021. Effects of differences in language aptitude on learning grammatical collocations under elaborated input conditions. Language Teaching Research 25:3 ► pp. 476 ff.
Bokander, Lars & Emanuel Bylund
2020. Probing the Internal Validity of the LLAMA Language Aptitude Tests. Language Learning 70:1 ► pp. 11 ff.
Llompart, Miquel & Ewa Dąbrowska
2020. Explicit but Not Implicit Memory Predicts Ultimate Attainment in the Native Language. Frontiers in Psychology 11
Dąbrowska, Ewa
2018. Experience, aptitude and individual differences in native language ultimate attainment. Cognition 178 ► pp. 222 ff.
Forsberg Lundell, Fanny, Christina Lindqvist & Amanda Edmonds
2018. Productive Collocation Knowledge at Advanced CEFR Levels: Evidence from the Development of a Test for Advanced L2 French. The Canadian Modern Language Review 74:4 ► pp. 627 ff.
Aronsson, Berit
2016. Core Prosodic Features for the teaching of Spanish prosody to speakers of Swedish. Journal of Spanish Language Teaching 3:1 ► pp. 44 ff.
Biedroń, Adriana & Mirosław Pawlak
2016. New conceptualizations of linguistic giftedness. Language Teaching 49:2 ► pp. 151 ff.
This list is based on CrossRef data as of 20 december 2024. Please note that it may not be complete. Sources presented here have been supplied by the respective publishers.
Any errors therein should be reported to them.