Language Problems and Language Planning

Volume 23, Issue 2 (1999)

Publishing status: Available
Published online on 18 July 2012
Table of Contents
Inspecting the Unexpected: Language Status and Corpus Shifts as Aspects of Quichua Language Revitalization
Kendall A. King
Decentering Language in World-System Inquiry
Thomas Clayton
The Official National Language and Language Attitudes of Three Ethnic Minority Groups in China
Minglang Zhou
Interlinguistics / Interlingüística / Interlinguistik / Interlingvistiko
Phraseology in Planned Languages
Sabine Fiedler
Reviews / Cíticas / Rezensionen / Recenzoj
Review of O’Keefe (1998): Nouvelles perspectives Canadiennes: Minorités francophones: Assimilation et vitalité des communautés/New Canadian Perspectives: Francophone Minorities: Assimilation and Community Vitality
Reviewed by Timothy Reagan
Review of Thoryk & Roberts (1998): Hegemony Dismantled or Hegemony Disguised? A Discussion in Two Parts: Exploring the Interface between Two Cultures
Reviewed by Frank Nuessel
Review of Schieffelin, Woolard & Kroskrity (1998): Language Ideologies: Practice and Theory
Reviewed by Robert N. St. Clair
Review of Trudgill & Cheshire (1998): The Sociolinguistics Reader. Volume 1: Multilingualism and Variation & Cheshire & Trudgill (1998): The Sociolinguistics Reader. Volume 2: Gender and Discourse
Reviewed by Terry A. Osborn
Review of Bartomeu Melia (1997): Paraguay Bilingüe. Políticas lingüísticas y educación bilingüe
Reviewed by Abdeljalil Akkari
Review of Levitt, Ashley & Finke (1998): Language and Communication in the New Century. Proceedings of a Conference of the American Society of Geolinguistics in Association with the City University of New York Academy of Humanities and Sciences, 16–17 October 1997
Reviewed by Max Oppenheimer, Jr.
Review of García & Fishman (1997): The Multilingual Apple: Languages in New York City
Reviewed by Timothy Reagan
Review of Singh, Dasgupta & Mohanan (1998): The Yearbook of South Asian Languages and Linguistics, 1998
Reviewed by Robert N. St. Clair
Review of Garay (481): El tehuelche: una lengua en vías de extinción
Reviewed by Frank Nuessel
Review of Lippi-Green (1997): English with an Accent: Language, Ideology, and Discrimination in the United States
Reviewed by Terry A. Osborn