The reflexes of the Proto-Jingpho glides in modern Jingpho dialects
The aim of this paper is two-fold: (i) to investigate the reflexes of the Proto-Jingpho initial glides in modern Jingpho dialects based on sound correspondences between them; and (ii) to discuss vowel developments conditioned by proto-glides. The main findings of this paper can be summarized as follows: (a) the proto-initial *w- has developed into y- in Standard Jingpho and Nkhum before proto-front vowels; (b) the proto-initial *ʔw- before proto-front vowels became ʔy- in Standard Jingpho, Nkhum and Gauri, but disappeared in Duleng, Dingga, Numphuk and Turung; (c) the proto-initial *ʔw- and *ʔy- before non-front vowels have developed into w- and y-, respectively, in Duleng, Dingga, Numphuk and Turung; (d) the proto-bilabial glides, *w- and *ʔw-, sporadically raised the following vowel *-a to -o in Gauri; (e) the proto-palatal glides, *y- and *ʔy-, raised and fronted the following vowel *-a to -e in Gauri and partially in Numphuk and Turung; (f) the proto-medial *-y- raised the following vowel *-e to -i in Dingga.
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