Introducing plurilingualism in the English as an Additional Language classroom through plurilingual
A study in a Catalan primary school
This article discusses research that was carried out in Barcelona, Spain which explored plausible facets for
introducing pluralistic approaches in the English as an Additional Language classroom. The research triangulates data collected
from administrative personnel, teachers, and students aged 7–8 years in order to identify plausible approaches to synthesize the
instruction of teaching English with the development of plurilingual concepts and skills. Methodological approaches included
interviews with the administrators, questionnaires with both students and their teachers and a multimodal activity done in the EFL
classroom. Through the discussion of the results we highlight specific techniques, such as Intercomprehension, that facilitate
language instruction for Additional Language Learners in a linguistically diverse community that has various languages in the
social and learning environments. Through the data analysis, we identify aspects that could help facilitate the instruction of
English as an additional language in multilingual settings.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 1.1Macro to micro: Language education policies and Catalonia
- 1.2Plurilingualism: A conceptual framework
- 1.3Plurilingual approaches
- 2.The research
- 2.1Environment
- 2.2Language instruction at school
- 2.4Research questions and objectives
- 2.5Data collection: Participants, design and procedure, results and analysis
- 2.5.1Questionnaires
- Questionnaires
- and procedure- Questionnaires
- and analysis- Questionnaires
- 2.5.2Multimodal activity
- multimodal activity
- and procedure- Multimodal activity
- and analysis- multimodal activity
- 2.5.3Semi-structured interviews
- semi-structured interviews
- and procedure- Semi-structured interviews
- and analysis- Semi-structured interviews
- 3.Synthesizing results
- 4.Discussion
- 5.Conclusion
- Notes