Assessment is a central challenge within classroom-based early language learning, where there is a need to employ
assessment methods which, as well as being valid and reliable for a range of learners, protect rather than diminish motivation.
The motivational properties of digital or serious games within language learning are increasingly recognised in the literature,
yet the value of digital game-based assessment (DGBA) remains underexplored. This study used a questionnaire to examine how 3437
young language learners of English, Spanish, German, Italian and French perceived a DGBA tool and the extent to which their
perceptions were modulated by age, gender and performance levels on the game.
Learners perceived the DGBA tool as fun to play, worth playing again, helpful for telling them about their
progress and of moderate difficulty level. Girls were more positive than boys about the game but for all learners levels of
positivity were not related to age. There was a significant but weak relationship between positivity and game scores, suggesting
that learners liked the game regardless of their attainment levels. The study’s findings are discussed in relation to theories of
motivation associated with digital game-based tools and their practical implications for the teaching of early language
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