In the context of additional language (AL) learning, teachers need to focus on the development of language
proficiency as well as on high-level literacy skills, for example, comprehending and evaluating information and creating new
meaning. From a plurilingual perspective, AL learners’ first language (L1) is conceputalised as a useful tool in the development of
target language proficiency; however, limited information exists concerning AL teachers’ beliefs towards the use of the L1 for
high-level literacy instruction despite its potential utility for complex skill development. The aim of the present exploratory
study was to examine the beliefs of in-service teachers of English as an additional language (EAL) working in the Quebec primary
and secondary school system in francophone Canada regarding plurilingual approaches for classroom literacy practices and to
uncover the factors that influence their beliefs. An online survey was distributed to in-service EAL teachers
(N = 57) working in the province of Quebec, Canada. Findings suggest that teachers believe that it is most
beneficial to adopt a monolingual lens to literacy instruction, a belief that denies learners’ use of their L1 and this, in a
bilingual country. Implications for teacher education programs that challenge a monolingual lens are explored.
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