Making heritage language accessible through “a trip to the enchanted wood”
Despite increasing popularity of early heritage language (HL) education, the HL education system faces challenges, such as engaging young children and tailoring teachers’ pedagogical approaches. The aim of the study was to explore a particular pedagogical activity (“a trip to the enchanted wood”) that provides accessibility to HL, and to analyze children’s behavior while engaging in learning during this activity. We conducted the study in a bilingual preschool in Israel, where Russian was the heritage language and Hebrew the societally dominant language. We collected and documented the data using qualitative tools (ethnographic observations and interviews). A complex analysis of eight HL classroom observations focused on the application of a language-conducive strategy – teacher-led pretend play of “a trip to the enchanted wood.” We performed two types of coding: (1) coding information about elements of script structure and characteristics of props used; (2) coding children’s responsive behavior to the teacher’s suggestions during play. Drawing on an ecological approach to language productive use, we concluded that a complex two-way relationship exists between language accessibility and engagement in learning. Practical applications to support young language learners are suggested.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Theoretical background
- 2.1Heritage language learning in a preschool context
- 2.2HL learning ecology and children’s and teachers’ agency
- 2.3Teacher-led pretend play
- 3.Method
- 3.1The preschool’s socio-linguistic and educational context
- 3.2The bilingual classroom context
- 3.3Participants
- 3.3.1The HL teacher
- 3.3.2The children
- 3.4Data collection and analysis
- 3.4.1Observations of the HL lessons
- 3.4.2Interviews with the teacher
- 4.Results and discussion
- 4.1The “trip to the enchanted wood” script as an accessibility tool
- 4.2The “trip to the enchanted wood” script as an engagement tool
- 4.3Props as an accessibility tool
- 4.4Props as an engagement tool
- 5.Conclusions and implications for practice
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