Conceptual blending and memes
Conceptual blending involves the use of cognitive mappings to guide the combination of concepts.
Here I show how blended cognitive models promote progressive alignment when reasoners integrate concepts from
superficially unrelated domains, thus facilitating analogical inference. Describing conceptual blending in political
cartoons and image macros exchanged on social media, I explore how analogical reasoning processes are brought to bear
on affectively charged social issues. As multimodal constructions, memes activate schematic meanings that integrate
with specific concepts evoked by the images and the textual elements as conceptual blending affords memes their
generative capacity.
Article outline
- 1.Analogical reasoning
- 2.Conceptual blending theory
- 3.Conceptual blending and progressive alignment
- 4.Dueling cartoons
- 5.Memes
- 6.Memes are multimodal constructions
- 7.Something old, something new
- 8.Conclusion