In this article, I will give an overview of eye tracking studies on morphological processing since 2005 and a few earlier studies. An earlier survey article of Pollatsek and Hyönä (2006) covers almost all studies until then, but a number of interesting articles have been left undiscussed or were published after 2005. Before that, I will discuss (a) the advantages of studying morphological processing by means of eye tracking; (b) methodological issues related to eye movement experiments on morphological processing; (c) the dependent measures one can extract from the eye movement record and how they can be used in assessing the time course of morphological processing; (d) the boundary paradigm that has been used in morphological processing studies. I will argue that eye tracking should be used more often in morphological processing research, since it allows for studying morphologically complex words in a natural way and at the same time its rich data output allows for deeper levels of analyses than some other methods do.
Cho, Jeonghwa, Acrisio Pires & Jonathan R. Brennan
2024. How large are root and affix priming effects in visual word recognition? Estimation from original data and a Bayesian meta-analysis. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience 39:10 ► pp. 1291 ff.
Elsherif, M.M. & J.C. Catling
2024. How Age of Acquisition Affects Compound Word Recognition. Scientific Studies of Reading 28:6 ► pp. 685 ff.
Amenta, Simona, Jana Hasenäcker, Davide Crepaldi & Marco Marelli
2023. Prediction at the intersection of sentence context and word form: Evidence from eye-movements and self-paced reading. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 30:3 ► pp. 1081 ff.
Creemers, Ava, Nattanun Chanchaochai, Meredith Tamminga & David Embick
2023. The activation of embedded (pseudo-)stems in auditory lexical processing: implications for models of spoken word recognition. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience 38:7 ► pp. 966 ff.
De Simone, Elisabetta, Kristina Moll, Lisa Feldmann, Xenia Schmalz & Elisabeth Beyersmann
2023. The role of syllables and morphemes in silent reading: An eye-tracking study. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 76:11 ► pp. 2493 ff.
Thoma, Ralia
2023. Eye movements of adolescent students when reading Greeklish transliterations. Lingua 295 ► pp. 103620 ff.
2021. Orthographic learning and transfer of complex words: insights from eye tracking during reading and learning tasks. Journal of Research in Reading 44:1 ► pp. 51 ff.
Schmidtke, Daniel, Julie A. Van Dyke & Victor Kuperman
2021. CompLex: an eye-movement database of compound word reading in English. Behavior Research Methods 53:1 ► pp. 59 ff.
Schmidtke, Daniel, Julie A. Van Dyke & Victor Kuperman
2024. DerLex: An eye-movement database of derived word reading in English. Behavior Research Methods 57:1
Creemers, Ava, Amy Goodwin Davies, Robert J. Wilder, Meredith Tamminga & David Embick
2020. Opacity, transparency, and morphological priming: A study of prefixed verbs in Dutch. Journal of Memory and Language 110 ► pp. 104055 ff.
2020. Orthographic learning of novel words in adults: effects of exposure and visual attention on eye movements. Journal of Cognitive Psychology 32:8 ► pp. 785 ff.
Kuperman, Victor & Avital Deutsch
2020. Morphological and visual cues in compound word reading: Eye-tracking evidence from Hebrew. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 73:12 ► pp. 2177 ff.
Lázaro, Miguel, Elisa Pérez & Rosario Martínez
2020. Perceptual salience of derivational suffixes in visual word recognition. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology 61:3 ► pp. 348 ff.
Snell, Joshua, Mathieu Declerck & Jonathan Grainger
2018. Parallel semantic processing in reading revisited: effects of translation equivalents in bilingual readers. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience 33:5 ► pp. 563 ff.
Traficante, Daniela, Marco Marelli & Claudio Luzzatti
2018. Effects of Reading Proficiency and of Base and Whole-Word Frequency on Reading Noun- and Verb-Derived Words: An Eye-Tracking Study in Italian Primary School Children. Frontiers in Psychology 9
Miwa, Koji, Gary Libben & Yu Ikemoto
2017. Visual trimorphemic compound recognition in a morphographic script. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience 32:1 ► pp. 1 ff.
Arcara, Giorgio, Carlo Semenza & Valentina Bambini
2014. Word structure and decomposition effects in reading. Cognitive Neuropsychology 31:1-2 ► pp. 184 ff.
Bax, Stephen
2013. The cognitive processing of candidates during reading tests: Evidence from eye-tracking. Language Testing 30:4 ► pp. 441 ff.
Godfroid, Aline & Maren S. Uggen
2013. ATTENTION TO IRREGULAR VERBS BY BEGINNING LEARNERS OF GERMAN. Studies in Second Language Acquisition 35:2 ► pp. 291 ff.
This list is based on CrossRef data as of 21 december 2024. Please note that it may not be complete. Sources presented here have been supplied by the respective publishers.
Any errors therein should be reported to them.