Delker, Brianna C., Paige Michel, Camille A. Fogel, Aubrie L. Patterson, Greyson Mize, Thea Huber & Kate C. McLean
How do young men narrate the redemption story of a sexual assault perpetrator?.
European Journal of Psychotraumatology 15:1

Kim, Judy Sein, Clara Colombatto & M.J. Crockett
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Lin, Hongyi & Fengyan Wang
Reliability Generalization Meta-Analysis of Seven Wisdom Self-Rating Scales From 2004 to 2023.
Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment 42:4
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Uwen, God’sgift Ogban & Edem Ekpo Ene
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Wang, Iris Yili & Rebecca Y. M. Cheung
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Brudek, Paweł, Stanisława Steuden & Kinga Kaleta
Wisdom and wellbeing in polish older adults: the mediating role of forgiveness.
Frontiers in Psychology 14

Dong, Mengxi, Nic M. Weststrate & Marc A. Fournier
Thirty Years of Psychological Wisdom Research: What We Know About the Correlates of an Ancient Concept.
Perspectives on Psychological Science 18:4
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Liu, Jianjin, Chin-Ling Lee & Allegra Midgette
If it Bothers Someone it’s a Mistake! How Chinese College Students Conceptualize Transgressions.
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Pachankis, John E. & Skyler D. Jackson
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Bauer, Jack J., Laura E. Graham, Sarah E. Mooney, Abigail Marie Geisz & Mekdelawit Mueller
A good life story: Deconstructing (and integrating) elements of narrative identity and a good life, featuring themes of humanistic growth.
Journal of Research in Personality 101
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Blackie, Laura E. R. & Kate C. McLean
Examining the Longitudinal Associations Between Repeated Narration of Recent Transgressions Within Individuals’ Romantic Relationships and Character Growth in Empathy, Humility, and Compassion.
European Journal of Personality 36:4
► pp. 507 ff.

Blevins, Cara L. & Richard G. Tedeschi
Posttraumatic Growth & Wisdom: Processes and Clinical Applications. In
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de Moor, Elisabeth L., Jolien Van der Graaff, Nagila Koster, Odilia M. Laceulle & Susan Branje
The relation between self‐event connections and personality functioning in youth with severe psychopathology.
Journal of Personality 90:5
► pp. 799 ff.

Glück, Judith, Nic M. Weststrate & Andreas Scherpf
Looking Beyond Linear: A Closer Examination of the Relationship Between Wisdom and Wellbeing.
Journal of Happiness Studies 23:7
► pp. 3285 ff.

Lockyer, Sue & Christopher J. Koenig
At the Intersection of Method and Empowerment: Reflections from a Pilot Photovoice Study with Survivors of Human Trafficking.
Journal of Human Trafficking 8:4
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Mansfield, Cade D.
The Co-evolution of Meaning-Making and Wisdom in Processing and Developmental Time. In
Post-Traumatic Growth to Psychological Well-Being [
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Tappenden, Peter C., Rebecca L. Shiner & Fanyi Mo
Narrating life in the military: Links between veterans’ narrative processing of service experiences and their posttraumatic stress symptoms and well‐being.
Journal of Traumatic Stress 35:1
► pp. 288 ff.

Żurawska-Żyła, Renata, Urszula Tokarska & Tomasz Knopik
Self-distancing and narrative wisdom in older adults’ autobiographical reflection.
Journal of Constructivist Psychology 35:3
► pp. 1013 ff.

Lushyn, Pavlo & Yana Sukhenko
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Post-Traumatic Growth in Dialectical Perspective: Implications for Practice.
East European Journal of Psycholinguistics 8:1

Pasupathi, M., K. C. McLean, T. L. Weeks & W. Hynes
Tailoring Narration for Distinct Audiences in Emerging Adulthood.
Emerging Adulthood 9:6
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Song, Qingfang, Maria C. Lent, Tong Suo, Dianna Murray-Close & Qi Wang
Relational victimization and depressive symptoms: The interactive role of physiological reactivity and narrative processing.
International Journal of Psychophysiology 166
► pp. 92 ff.

Grossmann, Igor, Nic M. Weststrate, Monika Ardelt, Justin P. Brienza, Mengxi Dong, Michel Ferrari, Marc A. Fournier, Chao S. Hu, Howard C. Nusbaum & John Vervaeke
The Science of Wisdom in a Polarized World: Knowns and Unknowns.
Psychological Inquiry 31:2
► pp. 103 ff.

Lockyer, Sue & Leah Wingard
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Growing by Letting Go: Nonattachment and Mindfulness as Qualities of Advanced Psychological Development.
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► pp. 12 ff.

Ferrari, Michel & Fatemeh Alhosseini
Cultural Differences in Wisdom and Conceptions of Wisdom. In
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Waters, Theodore E. A., Christin Köber, K. Lee Raby, Tilmann Habermas & Robyn Fivush
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Journal of Personality 87:2
► pp. 151 ff.

Weststrate, Nic M.
The Mirror of Wisdom. In
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Alea, Nicole
Does the Life Story Interview Make Us Make Sense? Spontaneous and Cued Redemption and Contamination in Life Story Scenes.
Imagination, Cognition and Personality 37:3
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Dansey, Diane, Mary John & Danielle Shbero
How children in foster care engage with loyalty conflict: presenting a model of processes informing loyalty.
Adoption & Fostering 42:4
► pp. 354 ff.

Kim, Seungyoun & Bob G. Knight
Caregiving Subgroups Differences in the Associations Between the Resilience Resources and Life Satisfaction.
Journal of Applied Gerontology 37:12
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Austin, Adrienne & Kristi Costabile
Two routes toward optimism: how agentic and communal themes in autobiographical memories guide optimism for the future.
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Gardner, Wendi L. & Alexandra Garr-Schultz
Understanding Our Groups, Understanding Ourselves: The Importance of Collective Identity Clarity and Collective Coherence to the Self. In
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► pp. 125 ff.

Grysman, Azriel & Cade D. Mansfield
What Do We Have When We Have a Narrative?.
Imagination, Cognition and Personality 37:2
► pp. 105 ff.

McLean, Kate C., Monisha Pasupathi, Andrea F. Greenhoot & Robyn Fivush
Does intra-individual variability in narration matter and for what?.
Journal of Research in Personality 69
► pp. 55 ff.

Merrill, Natalie, Etasha Srinivas & Robyn Fivush
Personal and Intergenerational Narratives of Transgression and Pride in Emerging Adulthood: Links to Gender and Well‐Being.
Applied Cognitive Psychology 31:2
► pp. 119 ff.

Salmela, Mari & Satu Uusiautti
How to implement the narrative approach in different phases of a positive psychological research? A four-dimensional analysis.
International Journal of Research Studies in Psychology 6:1

Adler, Jonathan M., Jennifer Lodi-Smith, Frederick L. Philippe & Iliane Houle
The Incremental Validity of Narrative Identity in Predicting Well-Being.
Personality and Social Psychology Review 20:2
► pp. 142 ff.

Frost, David M., Jennifer D. Rubin & Nicole Darcangelo
Making meaning of significant events in past relationships.
Journal of Social and Personal Relationships 33:7
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McLean, Kate C., Moin Syed, Alisha Yoder & Andrea F. Greenhoot
The Role of Domain Content in Understanding Identity Development Processes.
Journal of Research on Adolescence 26:1
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von Humboldt, Sofia
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► pp. 127 ff.

Whitehead, Richard & Glen Bates
The Transformational Processing of Peak and Nadir Experiences and their Relationship to Eudaimonic and Hedonic Well-being.
Journal of Happiness Studies 17:4
► pp. 1577 ff.

DeMichelis, Carey, Michel Ferrari, Tanya Rozin & Bianca Stern
Teaching for Wisdom in an Intergenerational High-School-English Class.
Educational Gerontology 41:8
► pp. 551 ff.

Grysman, Azriel
Collecting Narrative Data on Amazon's Mechanical Turk.
Applied Cognitive Psychology 29:4
► pp. 573 ff.

Habermas, Tilmann & Elaine Reese
Getting a Life Takes Time: The Development of the Life Story in Adolescence, Its Precursors and Consequences.
Human Development 58:3
► pp. 172 ff.

Mansfield, Cade D., Monisha Pasupathi & Kate C. McLean
Is narrating growth in stories of personal transgressions associated with increased well-being, self-compassion, and forgiveness of others?.
Journal of Research in Personality 58
► pp. 69 ff.

Mansfield, Cade D., Monisha Pasupathi & Kate C. McLean
The challenges of the experimental paradigm in narrative identity research.
Journal of Research in Personality 102
► pp. 104318 ff.

Pasupathi, Monisha & Jacob Billitteri
Being and Becoming through Being Heard: Listener Effects on Stories and Selves.
International Journal of Listening 29:2
► pp. 67 ff.

Pasupathi, Monisha, Jacob Billitteri, Cade D. Mansfield, Cecilia Wainryb, Grace E. Hanley & Kiana Taheri
Regulating emotion and identity by narrating harm.
Journal of Research in Personality 58
► pp. 127 ff.

Webster, Jeffrey Dean & Xiaolei Charlie Deng
Paths From Trauma to Intrapersonal Strength: Worldview, Posttraumatic Growth, and Wisdom.
Journal of Loss and Trauma 20:3
► pp. 253 ff.

Webster, J. D., G. J. Westerhof & E. T. Bohlmeijer
Wisdom and Mental Health Across the Lifespan.
The Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences 69:2
► pp. 209 ff.

Alea, Nicole & Susan Bluck
When does meaning making predict subjective well-being? Examining young and older adults in two cultures.
Memory 21:1
► pp. 44 ff.

Ardelt, Monika, W. Andrew Achenbaum & Hunhui Oh
The Paradoxical Nature of Personal Wisdom and Its Relation to Human Development in the Reflective, Cognitive, and Affective Domains. In
The Scientific Study of Personal Wisdom,
► pp. 265 ff.

Ardelt, Monika, W. Andrew Achenbaum & Hunhui Oh
The Paradoxical Nature of Personal Wisdom and Its Relation to Human Development in the Reflective, Cognitive, and Affective Domains. In
The Scientific Study of Personal Wisdom,
► pp. 265 ff.

Ferrari, Michel, Nic M. Weststrate & Anda Petro
Stories of Wisdom to Live By: Developing Wisdom in a Narrative Mode. In
The Scientific Study of Personal Wisdom,
► pp. 137 ff.

Ferrari, Michel, Nic M. Weststrate & Anda Petro
Stories of Wisdom to Live By: Developing Wisdom in a Narrative Mode. In
The Scientific Study of Personal Wisdom,
► pp. 137 ff.

Jennings, Lauren E. & Kate C. McLean
Storying away self-doubt: Can narratives dispel threats to the self?.
Journal of Research in Personality 47:4
► pp. 317 ff.

Lilgendahl, Jennifer Pals, Kate C. McLean & Cade D. Mansfield
When is meaning making unhealthy for the self? The roles of neuroticism, implicit theories, and memory telling in trauma and transgression memories.
Memory 21:1
► pp. 79 ff.

McLean, Kate C., Becky Wood & Andrea V. Breen
Reflecting on a Difficult Life.
Journal of Adolescent Research 28:4
► pp. 431 ff.

Sales, Jessica M., Natalie A. Merrill & Robyn Fivush
Does making meaning make it better? Narrative meaning making and well-being in at-risk African-American adolescent females.
Memory 21:1
► pp. 97 ff.

Webster, Jeffrey Dean
Identity, Wisdom, and Critical Life Events in Younger Adulthood. In
Positive Psychology,
► pp. 61 ff.

Webster, Jeffrey Dean
Self-Report Wisdom Measures. In
The Cambridge Handbook of Wisdom,
► pp. 297 ff.

Webster, Jeffrey Dean
The Interplay of Adversity and Wisdom Development: The H.E.R.O.E. Model. In
Post-Traumatic Growth to Psychological Well-Being [
Lifelong Learning Book Series, 30],
► pp. 47 ff.

McLean, Kate C. & Monisha Pasupathi
Processes of Identity Development: Where I Am and How I Got There.
Identity 12:1
► pp. 8 ff.

Thompson, Riki, Rich Furman, Noel Shafi & Michelle Enterline
Poetry, Masculinities, and Disability.
Journal of Poetry Therapy 25:2
► pp. 105 ff.

[no author supplied]
Open Peer Commentary and Author's Response.
European Journal of Personality 29:3
► pp. 326 ff.

This list is based on CrossRef data as of 21 december 2024. Please note that it may not be complete. Sources presented here have been supplied by the respective publishers.
Any errors therein should be reported to them.