Tying up to previous narrative work that is concerned with the interrelations between big story and small story research (Bamberg, 2006; Freeman, 2006; Georgakopoulou, 2006b), this article aims to demonstrate that big story research can profit from methodological procedures that understand narrative research interviews as interactional encounters and positions assigned to the narrator during this encounter as impinging on the biographic accounts they deliver. For that purpose, I take the interaction between the interviewer and the interviewee — both before and during the actual interview — as an analytical point of departure and argue that the self-constructions that narrators undertake when engaging in (auto)biographic self-reflection have to and can only be understood against the background of this embedding interaction.
Leinonen, Minna, Melisa Stevanovic, Henri Nevalainen, Annika Valtonen & Elina Weiste
2024. Social Divisions in Accounts of Discrimination: Experiences among Performing Artists. Cultural Sociology
Karlsson, Marie
2022. Berättelser i pedagogisk forskning. Pedagogisk forskning i Sverige 27:1 ► pp. 4 ff.
Sabaté i Dalmau, Maria
2018. Exploring the interplay of narrative and ethnography: A critical sociolinguistic approach to migrant stories of dis/emplacement. International Journal of the Sociology of Language 2018:250 ► pp. 35 ff.
Ingraham, Chris
2017. The Scope and Autonomy of Personal Narrative. Written Communication 34:1 ► pp. 54 ff.
Klausen, Rita K., Marie Karlsson, Svein Haugsgjerd & Geir Fagerjord Lorem
2014. Das Forschungsinterview als soziale Interaktionspraxis. In Qualitative Forschung, ► pp. 133 ff.
Karlsson, Marie & Héctor Pérez Prieto
2012. Professional Identities in Retired Teacher Educators’ Life Stories. In Explorations in Narrative Research, ► pp. 141 ff.
This list is based on CrossRef data as of 21 december 2024. Please note that it may not be complete. Sources presented here have been supplied by the respective publishers.
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