Chapter 12
Language learning and teaching with Swedish FrameNet++
Two examples
This chapter describes and discusses the use of
resources connected to Swedish FrameNet++ (SweFN++) in the context of
the teaching and learning of language proficiency and grammatical
analysis in Swedish. We illustrate the way in which different
resources in the SweFN++ context can be useful for language
pedagogy, by employing two examples, the Swedish Constructicon and a
semantic role exercise on the intelligent computer assisted language
learning (ICALL) platform Lärka. These resources make use of the
infrastructure developed within SweFN++ in fundamentally different
ways, which are discussed and compared. In addition, we discuss the
possibilities for further development of the language pedagogical
potential of SweFN++, both in relation to ICALL and to other types
of resources and descriptive databases, like corpora, constructicons
and framenets.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 1.1Language technology and language pedagogy
- 1.1.1Framenets, digital lexical and constructionist resources
and language pedagogy
- 1.1.2Language teaching and ICALL
- 2.Using resources within SweFN++ for learning and teaching language
proficiency and grammatical analysis
- 2.1The Swedish constructicon as a pedagogical resource
- 2.2Exploring the usefulness of SweCcn and construction grammar
for the teaching of Swedish as a second language
- 2.3Pattern finding
- 2.4Type case
- 2.5Applying construction-based L2-teaching in the classroom –
two small-scale studies
- 2.6SweFN for learning linguistic analysis – semantic roles in
- 3.Developing the language pedagogical potential within
- 4.Concluding remarks
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Coussé, Evie, Steffen Höder, Benjamin Lyngfelt & Julia Prentice
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