Chapter 4
Common law and civil law
Tackling legal system differences in the corpus-based translation of
terms of web hosting services
Article outline
- 4.1Clauses of English and Italian ToS: An introduction
- 4.2Definitions and premises
- 4.3Headings
- 4.4The parties’ obligations and responsibilities
- 4.5Provision of the service, price and payment
- 4.6Contract term and termination
- 4.6.1Termination and cancellation in the common law system
- 4.6.2Termination and cancellation in the Italian legal system
- 4.6.3Comparison between the Italian and the English legal systems
- 4.6.4Anticipatory breach and repudiation
- 4.7Confidentiality, privacy policy and intellectual property rights
- 4.7.1Confidentiality
- 4.7.2Privacy policy
- 4.7.3Intellectual property rights
- 4.8Limitation of liability
- 4.8.1Damage and damages
- 4.8.2Damages in the Italian civil code
- 4.8.3Liquidated damages
- damages in the Italian civil law system
- 4.8.4In contract or in tort
- 4.8.5At law or in equity
- 4.9Representations and warranties
- 4.9.1Misrepresentation
- 4.9.2Breach of terms or breach of warranties and related remedies
- 4.9.3Representations or terms?
- clauses in English ToS
- 4.9.4(Mis)representations in the Italian legal system
- and contract avoidance or voidability in the Italian legal
- 4.9.5Representations and misrepresentations in English and Italian
- English “rescission” and the Italian “rescissione”
- 4.10Indemnification
- 4.10.1Indennizzo, indennità and manleva in the Italian legal system
- 4.10.2Indemnification clauses in English and Italian
- 4.11Amendments, assignment and non-solicitation
- 4.11.1Amendments
- 4.11.2Assignment and sub-contracting
- 4.11.3Non solicitation
- 4.12Force majeure
- 4.12.1Force majeure and frustration
- 4.12.2Force majeure in the Italian legal system
- 4.13Boilerplate clauses: Severability, entire agreement, survival, notices,
- 4.13.1Severability
- 4.13.2Entire agreement
- 4.13.3Survival
- 4.13.4Notices
- 4.13.5Waivers
- 4.14Governing law and jurisdiction
- 4.15Unfair terms
- 4.15.1Unfair terms in the Italian legal system
- 4.15.2Unfair terms in English and Italian ToS
- 4.16Challenges
- 4.17Conclusion