Irregularities in Modern English

Second edition revised by Erik Hansen

ISBN 9788776742553 | EUR 37.00 | USD 56.00
ISBN 9789027272744 | EUR 37.00 | USD 56.00
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This book, which appeared first in a Danish version in 1980 and subsequently in an English translation in 1986, reverses the history of the English language: it takes present-day English ‘irregularities’ in grammar and spelling as its point of departure, providing historical explanations only to the extent that they illustrate modern forms. A number of comparisons with developments in other Germanic languages are given, not only with Danish phenomena as in the original Danish edition, but also with Dutch and German ones. The authors believe that such comparisons shed light on English language history as well as contribute to make the book more interesting also to students of other Germanic languages.
[NOWELE Supplement Series, 2] 2007.  xii, 382 pp.
Publishing status: Available | Original publisher:University Press of Southern Denmark
Table of Contents

Main BIC Subject

CF/2AB: Linguistics/English

Main BISAC Subject

LAN009000: LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Linguistics / General
ONIX Metadata
ONIX 2.1
ONIX 3.0
U.S. Library of Congress Control Number:  2008540787 | Marc record