Pragmatics and Fiction
Pragmatics and Fiction explores the basic pragmatic differences between fictional and nonfictional discourse. These differences derive mainly from the creation of a fictional figure who narrates the text and who, in turn, addresses his narrative to a fictional audience. Since these figures become the language users of the fictional text and, therefore, displace the actual writer and reader from the communicative context, they dominate the text’s pragmatic features. After elaborating a description of fiction from the point of view of these fictional language users, some of the implications for literary interpretation are taken up, particularly those for reader-oriented criticism.
[Pragmatics & Beyond, VI:2] 1985. vi, 79 pp.
Publishing status: Available
Published online on 21 November 2011
Published online on 21 November 2011
© John Benjamins Publishing Company
Table of Contents
1. Introduction | p. 1
1.1. Pragmatics
1.2. Fiction
2. The Pragmatic Structure of Fiction | p. 9
2.1. Fiction and pretending
2.2. The pragmatic structure of fiction
2.3. The fictional context
2.4. The pragmatic unity of fiction
3. The Pragmatic Structure and the Reader | p. 27
3.1. The competent reader
3.2. The historical reader
3.3. The implied reader
4. Pragmatics and the Interpretation of Fiction | p. 39
4.1. The communicative context and fiction
4.2. Speech acts and interpretation
4.3. The pragmatic structure and interpretive strategies
5. Pragmatics and the Rhetoric of Fiction | p. 59
5.1. The communicative context and rhetoric
5.2. The rhetoric of speech acts
5.3. The rhetoric of fictional models
5.4. The pragmatic structure and rhetorical motivation
Footnotes | p. 73
Texts | p. 79
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Main BIC Subject
CF: Linguistics
Main BISAC Subject
LAN009000: LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Linguistics / General