Narrative Revisited

Telling a story in the age of new media

 | University of Augsburg
ISBN 9789027256034 | EUR 90.00 | USD 135.00
ISBN 9789027287700 | EUR 90.00 | USD 135.00
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The volume examines the role of narratives in old and new media. Its ten contributions firstly center on the various forms and functions narratives assume in computer-mediated environments, e.g. websites, weblogs, message boards, etc. In this light, past and present approaches to the description of narratives are presented and reevaluated based on their ability to capture the conceptual and methodological exigencies of new media. Secondly, the volume sheds new light upon the multimodal composition of new media narratives which typically feature multiple co-occurring semiotic modes such as speech, sound, text, static or moving images. In this vein, each paper explores a wide array of authentic examples from text genres as diverse as political speeches, real-time narratives and contemporary feature films. Its wide scope should not only appeal to linguists interested in the discursive and pragmatic dimension of narratives but also to scholars and students in other scientific disciplines.
[Pragmatics & Beyond New Series, 199] 2010.  vii, 276 pp.
Publishing status: Available
Published online on 17 November 2010
Table of Contents
“The major strength of this collected volume is that it brings together various studies on narratives that, on the one hand, occur in internet environments such as on-line commentaries, weblogs, web-games, message boards, websites and, on the other, exploit different semiotic modes, i.e. not only written discourse but also sound and image, as in political speeches, web-games and films. The authors, mainly drawing on text linguistic concepts, attempt thorough descriptions of narrative performances in digital and multimodal environments. Thus, the book at hand is a very significant contribution to the rapidly evolving research in CMC and in (new) media discourse in general. [...]
My overall evaluation is that this collection of papers is a first-class volume highly recommended to all people with research desiderata in relation to CMC and (new) media discourse.”
“Ethnographers, social scientists and sociolinguists will undoubtedly benefit from these coherent investigations. [...] This Narrative Revisited is arguably the most important book on narratives and storytelling published in English during 2010. It will lead students in linguistics and sociology of the media in new directions.”
“This collection may serve as a good introduction to linguistic and compositional structure and communicative functions of new media narratives as well as analytical changes and modifications to linguistic narrative theory. [...] The book also offers a rich set of comparisons and contrasts between the narrative in old and new media so that what is new can be found by assessing the old. This collection will satisfy those looking for an understanding of contemporary trends in narratives, that is, understanding how exactly stories enter the digital realm and how the classic approaches to the analysis of narratives can be adapted to meet the socio-technological needs of digital narration. [...] In my opinion, all the papers help to achieve the editor’s two objectives related to the description of narratives in new media environments and the theoretical and empirical analysis of multimodal narratives. I would like to add that this fascinating and intelligent book should appeal to a wider audience than just those interested in narratives, and although it would not be suitable as a textbook, its many insights into different approaches and viewpoints on storytelling would be of interest and use to any teacher of narrative.”
Narrative Revisited, a volume in honour of Wolfram Bublitz, offers a much needed snapshot of the multiple forms and transformations of narrative in media environments. [...] A wealth of further interesting insights into narratives in new media is offered to the
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DeAngelo, Tessa I. & Narine S. Yegiyan
2019. Looking for Efficiency: How Online News Structure and Emotional Tone Influence Processing Time and Memory. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly 96:2  pp. 385 ff. DOI logo
Fetzer, Anita & Elda Weizman
2018. ‘What I would say to John and everyone like John is ...’: The construction of ordinariness through quotations in mediated political discourse. Discourse & Society 29:5  pp. 495 ff. DOI logo
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Emde, Katharina, Christoph Klimmt & Daniela M. Schluetz
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[no author supplied]
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This list is based on CrossRef data as of 23 december 2024. Please note that it may not be complete. Sources presented here have been supplied by the respective publishers. Any errors therein should be reported to them.


Communication Studies

Communication Studies

Main BIC Subject

CFG: Semantics, Pragmatics, Discourse Analysis

Main BISAC Subject

LAN009000: LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Linguistics / General
ONIX Metadata
ONIX 2.1
ONIX 3.0
U.S. Library of Congress Control Number:  2010030449 | Marc record