“My refrigerator is as much in the dark as I am”
Metaphorical irony in context
This paper focuses on a particular type of metaphorical irony in which both
readings of a metaphor have to be processed in order to grasp the speaker’s
intention. Two ways in which the text encourages retention of both readings of
metaphorical expressions are discussed: (1) Metaphorical expressions that refer to
two different referents, whose comparison by the author requires keeping both
readings in mind; (2) Two kinds of contextual clues assigned to a single referent or
The examples are amusingly sophisticated, but at the same time express a critical
stance on controversial issues. The metaphorical irony enhances the critical,
evaluative aspect of the text as it contributes to its entertaining effect.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Ruling out or retaining the literal meaning
- 3.Analyzing metaphorical irony
- 3.1Comparing two referents
- 3.2One referent, double context
- 4.Conclusions