Chapter 1
Introduction to hypocrisy
This introductory chapter approaches hypocrisy (i) as misalignment between two inconsistent elements and
(ii) as a sham of some kind, through a transdisciplinary discussion of the notion in public and academic discourse.
Presenting the aim of the volume and the rationale behind it, we argue for a broad perspective on hypocrisy in this
first contribution of pragmatics towards understanding what appears to be a ubiquitous and multifaceted phenomenon.
Encompassing emic and etic approaches, the chapters included in the volume jointly shed light on ideas and practices
related to the complex notion. A general overview is provided to account for the connections and relevance of the
different parts.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Hypocrisy as misalignment (of various kinds)
- 3.Hypocrisy as a sham (to varying degrees)
- 4.Aim, rationale and working definition
- 5.Structure and contents