Jing Wang

List of John Benjamins publications for which Jing Wang plays a role.


Ho, Yufang, Jane Lugea, Dan McIntyre, Jing Wang and Zhijie Xu 2018 Projecting (un)certainty: A text-world analysis of three statements from the Meredith Kercher murder caseEnglish Text Construction 11:2, pp. 286–317 | Article
This article uses Text World Theory (Werth 1999; Gavins 2007) in conjunction with VUE (Visual Understanding Environment) concept mapping software to analyze three statements from the trial of Amanda Knox, who was charged (along with her boyfriend, Raffaele Sollecito) with the murder of Meredith… read more

本文是对美国 11 所高校 144 名古汉语课学生问卷调查的研究报告。调查内容包括学生的语言背景、学习动机、学习结果的自我评估,以及对古汉语教学中一些重要问题的看法,诸如教材的内容与形式、教学语言、教学法等。本研究是多年来首次对美国古汉语教学大规模的跨校际调查,从学生的角度、以量化的方式,为对外古汉语教学今后的发展提供了数据和参考意见。调查结果反映出美国古汉语课的学生组成跟 20 年前相比已经发生了很大的变化,师生在一些颇具争议性的问题上的看法有分歧也有一致。

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Addressing two hypotheses, the Aspect Hypothesis (Andersen & Shirai 1994; Shirai & Andersen 1995) and the Verb-Island Hypothesis (Tomasello 1992), this study analyzed whether the acquisition of third person singular present -s (3S) follows the same path as other tense-aspect markers, such as -ing,… read more