Panayiotis A. Pappas

List of John Benjamins publications for which Panayiotis A. Pappas plays a role.

Wilson, Fiona M., Panayiotis A. Pappas and Arne O. Mooers 2019 The role of frequency of use in lexical change: Evidence from Latin and GreekDiachronica 36:4, pp. 583–611 | Article
Based on the number of words per meaning across the Indo-European Swadesh list, Pagel et al. (2007) suggest that frequency of use is a general mechanism of linguistic evolution. We test this claim using within-language change. From the IDS (Key & Comrie 2015) we compiled a comparative word list… read more
The research reported here is part of a longitudinal case study into the linguistic effects of de-urbanization, which is occurring in Greece due to severe economic recession. The overall aim of the analysis is to explore the way in which de-urbanization is affecting the evaluation and production of… read more
Summary In Modern Greek the particle tha is used both as a marker of futurity (tha + present indicative) and a marker of conditionality (tha + imperfective past). The history of the former use (starting with thelō + infinitive) has been well researched, but the history of tha as a counterfactual… read more