Helen Zhao
List of John Benjamins publications for which Helen Zhao plays a role.
Multiple perspectives on group work in a multilingual context Australian Review of Applied Linguistics 47:1, pp. 4–26 | Article
2024 Group assignments are widely used in higher education for a range of educational reasons. Although there is a large body of research on the merits of group work and factors that may contribute to successful group work, less is known about students’ and teachers’ perspectives, particularly when… read more
First and second language speakers’ sensitivity to the distributional properties of wh -clauses: Effects of proficiency, acquisitional context, and language experience Australian Review of Applied Linguistics: Online-First Articles | Article
2023 The present study investigates L1 and L2 English speakers’ knowledge of the wh-clausal construction along the parameters of (a) conventionality, distinguishing between high-frequency conventional and low-frequency unconventional formulations (I asked him why they agreed/why did they agree), and… read more
Arabic learners’ acquisition of English past tense morphology: Lexical aspect and phonological saliency Tense and Aspect in Second Language Acquisition and Learner Corpus Research, Fuchs, Robert and Valentin Werner (eds.), pp. 111–134 | Chapter
2020 The current study investigates the roles of lexical aspect and phonological saliency in second language acquisition of English past tense morphology. It also explores whether the effects of these factors are affected by data elicitation tasks and learners’ L2 proficiency. We created a learner… read more
Arabic learners’ acquisition of English past tense morphology: Lexical aspect and phonological saliency Tense and aspect in Second Language Acquisition and Learner Corpus Research, Fuchs, Robert and Valentin Werner (eds.), pp. 253–276 | Article
2018 The current study investigates the roles of lexical aspect and phonological saliency in second language acquisition of English past tense morphology. It also explores whether the effects of these factors are affected by data elicitation tasks and learners’ L2 proficiency. We created a learner… read more
Chapter 10. DocuScope for genre analysis: Potential for assessing pragmatic functions in second language writing Technology in Interlanguage Pragmatics Research and Teaching, Taguchi, Naoko and Julie M. Sykes (eds.), pp. 235–259 | Article
2013 This chapter introduces DocuScope, a text-visualization and analysis software tool. This tool was not originally developed to teach or assess pragmatics; however, it carries a great deal of potential for assessing second language (L2) learners’ ability to produce texts in a variety of genres,… read more
Chunk reading strategy training improves multiword processing by Japanese English learners Australian Review of Applied Linguistics: Online-First Articles | Article
The Chunk-and-Pass model suggests that language acquisition involves learning to appropriately chunk language input into multiword sequences and to form more abstract linguistic representations. While the theoretical model has gained widespread attention in the language sciences, there are… read more