Thoai Nu-Linh Ton

List of John Benjamins publications for which Thoai Nu-Linh Ton plays a role.


Ton, Thoai Nu-Linh 2019 A literature review of address studies from pragmatic and sociolinguistic perspectivesIt’s not all about you: New perspectives on address research, Kluge, Bettina and María Irene Moyna (eds.), pp. 23–46 | Chapter
Terms of address and reference1 have garnered enormous interest in the research literature, ranging from sociolinguistics and ethnolinguistics to language learning and anthropology. From a sociolinguistic perspective, address terms can be considered as the starting point to the understanding of… read more
There is a general view that pro-drop only occurs in languages with either a ‘rich’ inflectional system (Taraldsen 1978; Chomsky 1981; Jaeggli 1982; Suñer 1982), or in languages whose pronouns are agglutinating for case, number, or other nominal feature (Huang 1989; Neeleman & Szendrői 2005).… read more