Karime Aragón

List of John Benjamins publications for which Karime Aragón plays a role.


Aragón, Karime 2017 Chapter 6. Visuality, identity and emotion: Rosa mexicano as a Mexican Spanish keywordCultural Keywords in Discourse, Levisen, Carsten and Sophia Waters (eds.), pp. 131–156 | Chapter
This chapter presents a semantic and ethnopragmatic analysis of the Mexican Spanish colour word rosa mexicano. This word functions as a symbol of Mexican identity and serves as a cultural keyword for Mexican Spanish speakers. This word appears in a variety of discourses, such as, international and… read more
Levisen, Carsten and Karime Aragón 2017 Chapter 14. Lexicalization patterns in core vocabulary: A cross-creole study of semantic moleculesCreole Studies – Phylogenetic Approaches, Bakker, Peter, Finn Borchsenius, Carsten Levisen and Eeva M. Sippola (eds.), pp. 315–344 | Chapter
The study of semantic domains is important for creolistics, given the complex label-meaning configuration in creoles vis-à-vis the European lexifiers. Due to the lexical semantic creativity in the creolization process as well as the subsequent developments and contacts with lexifiers,… read more