Katrin Mutz
List of John Benjamins publications for which Katrin Mutz plays a role.
SE-verbs, SE-forms or SE-constructions? SE and its transitional stages between morphology and syntax Inflection and Word Formation in Romance Languages, Gaglia, Sascha and Marc-Olivier Hinzelin (eds.), pp. 319–346 | Article
2012 The article treats a problem that has, until now, received only a minor focus in the literature on Romance SE (but see Fagan 1992): the question being wether or not the formation with SE plus verb should be analyzed as a lexical SE-verb generated via a word-formational device, as an inflectional… read more
14. Reflexivity in French-based creoles Creoles, Contact, and Language Change: Linguistic and social implications, Escure, Geneviève and Armin Schwegler (eds.), pp. 307–329 | Chapter