Gianna Hessel
List of John Benjamins publications for which Gianna Hessel plays a role.
Overall L2 proficiency maintenance and development among returning ERASMUS study abroad participants Study abroad and the Erasmus+ programme in Europe: Perspectives on language and intercultural learning, Devlin, Anne Marie (ed.), pp. 119–152 | Article
2020 This study examines the sustainability of gains in overall English proficiency made by 81 German students on ERASMUS study abroad placements in the UK (lasting one term or one academic year) following their return to their home country. Students were tracked using C-tests and questionnaires from… read more
What difference does it make? Examining English proficiency gain as an outcome of participation in ERASMUS study abroad programmes in the UK Study Abroad Research in Second Language Acquisition and International Education 3:2, pp. 191–219 | Article
2018 Direct effects of participation in study abroad on linguistic proficiency have been notoriously difficult to differentiate from mere participant, time and study effects. This study examines English proficiency gains among 136 advanced-level German university students who applied for an ERASMUS… read more