Benjamin Brosig

List of John Benjamins publications for which Benjamin Brosig plays a role.

Brosig, Benjamin 2019 Terms of address and self-reference in Ulaanbaatar MongolianIt’s not all about you: New perspectives on address research, Kluge, Bettina and María Irene Moyna (eds.), pp. 415–434 | Chapter
This chapter deals with a system of terms of address and self-reference in the Mongolian of Ulaanbaatar, capital of the Mongolian state. It first deals with the morphological strategies (politeness and definiteness marking, respectively) that are used to extend the reference of regular inalienable… read more
Brosig, Benjamin, Foong Ha Yap and Kathleen Ahrens 2019 Assertion, presumption and presupposition: An account of the erstwhile nominalizer YUM in Khalkha MongolianStudies in Language 43:4, pp. 896–940 | Article
In this paper, we analyze the clitic YUM (< ‘thing’) in Khalkha Mongolian which, in different syntactic contexts, reinforces assertiveness or expresses different shades of presumption or presupposition. The former holds for declaratives where the presence of YUM conveys the speaker’s strong… read more
Brosig, Benjamin 2018 Chapter 2. Factual vs. evidential? The past tense forms of spoken Khalkha MongolianEvidence for Evidentiality, Foolen, Ad, Helen de Hoop and Gijs Mulder (eds.), pp. 45–75 | Chapter
Past tense forms of spoken Khalkha Mongolian distinguish between established (‑sang) and non-established knowledge, which is then either based on direct (‑laa) or indirect (‑jee) evidence. Time of acquisition thus determines whether information source is marked, though vivid recollection (‑laa) and… read more
Brosig, Benjamin 2015 Temperature terms in Khalkha MongolianThe Linguistics of Temperature, Koptjevskaja-Tamm, Maria (ed.), pp. 570–593 | Article
This paper provides an overview of the linguistic properties of temperature terms in Khalkha Mongolian. It begins with a general overview of the temperature vocabulary, which is most elaborated in relation to coldness. It then considers in closer detail the application of these terms to tactile,… read more
Brosig, Benjamin 2014 The tense-aspect system of Khorchin MongolianOn Diversity and Complexity of Languages Spoken in Europe and North and Central Asia, Suihkonen, Pirkko and Lindsay J. Whaley (eds.), pp. 3–66 | Article
Khorchin, a Mongolian dialect spoken in eastern Inner Mongolia, has a tense-aspect system slightly simpler than Middle Mongol and considerably simpler than Central Mongolian dialects (Khalkha, Chakhar). While it can express the time stability of ongoing events with many nuances, present habitual… read more
Khalkha Mongolian has recruited two new, addressee-oriented demonstratives from the spatial nouns naa- ‘close side of’ and caa- ‘remote side of’ with the attribute- or argument-referring suffix -d. With proximal naa-d, the addressee is close to and can sense the referent; with distal caa-d, the… read more