Guro Nore Fløgstad
List of John Benjamins publications for which Guro Nore Fløgstad plays a role.
Chapter 10. Gauging expansion in synchrony: The periphrastic perfect in nineteen century Rioplatense Spanish The Perfect Volume: Papers on the perfect, Eide, Kristin Melum and Marc Fryd (eds.), pp. 241–258 | Chapter
2021 One of the hallmarks of present-day Rioplatense Spanish is the highly specialised use of the periphrastic perfect or Pretérito Perfecto Compuesto (PPC). Most perfect nuances are instead encoded in this dialect through the synthetic past or Pretérito Perfecto Simple (PPS). Exploration of a novel… read more
The expansion of the Preterit in Rioplatenese Spanish: Contact induced? The Sociolinguistics of Grammar, Åfarli, Tor A. and Brit Mæhlum (eds.), pp. 117–136 | Article
2014 A major morphosyntactic change has taken place in Spanish spoken in Buenos Aires, Argentina (henceforth Rioplatense). While the Preterit coexisted with a Perfect until the turn of the 20th century, it is shown that this opposition gradually has been erased in the language of young speakers in this… read more