Amalia Todiraşcu
List of John Benjamins publications for which Amalia Todiraşcu plays a role.
PolylexFLE: A MWE database for French L2 language learners Graded Resources for Second and Foreign Language Learning, Alfter, David and Thomas François (eds.), pp. 77–102 | Article
2024 MWE knowledge is key in the process of learning a foreign language, but its teaching remains hindered by the lack of list of expressions connected to pedagogical aims. In this paper, we present an extended version of the PolylexFLE database, containing 4,525 French multiword expressions (MWE) of… read more
Aligning verb + noun collocations to improve a French-Romanian FSMT system Multiword Units in Machine Translation and Translation Technology, Mitkov, Ruslan, Johanna Monti, Gloria Corpas Pastor and Violeta Seretan (eds.), pp. 81–100 | Chapter
2018 We present several Verb + Noun collocation integration methods using linguistic information, aiming to improve the results of a French-Romanian factored statistical machine translation system (FSMT). The system uses lemmatised, tagged and sentence-aligned legal parallel corpora. Verb + Noun… read more