Thomas Brunner
List of John Benjamins publications for which Thomas Brunner plays a role.
Into -causatives in World Englishes English World-Wide 43:1, pp. 1–32 | Article
2022 The paper analyses the frequency and use of the relatively rare, yet highly productive into-causative construction in twenty varieties of English on the basis of the 1.9-billion word Corpus of Web-based Global English (GloWbE; Davies 2013) and Schneider’s (2007) Dynamic Model. It hypothesises… read more
The way -construction in World Englishes English World-Wide 41:1, pp. 1–32 | Article
2020 The way-construction (e.g. He sang his way into our hearts) is a highly idiomatic English Argument Structure construction. Apart from a brief discussion in Davies and Fuchs (2015: 13), however, no study has looked at the construction in World Englishes. Drawing on more than 14,000 tokens from… read more