Kirsten van den Heuij
List of John Benjamins publications for which Kirsten van den Heuij plays a role.
Inter-individual variation among young children growing up in a bidialectal community: The acquisition of dialect and standard Dutch vocabulary Language Variation - European Perspectives VI: Selected papers from the Eighth International Conference on Language Variation in Europe (ICLaVE 8), Leipzig, May 2015, Buchstaller, Isabelle and Beat Siebenhaar (eds.), pp. 85–98 | Chapter
2017 This study focuses on the relationship between dialect use and the acquisition of standard Dutch vocabulary by young children in the Dutch province of Limburg.1 The results of a newly-developed dialect expressive vocabulary task show extensive inter-individual variation that does not support a… read more
De verhalen van kinderen met een verstandelijke beperking: Een research note Dutch Journal of Applied Linguistics 3:1, pp. 109–116 | Article
2014 Eightteen intellectually disabled children (IQ ≤ 70) between ten and twelve years old were compared with 18 typically developing children between four and six years old on their lexical productivity and their use and variety of seven word classes: verbs, conjunctions, pronouns, articles, adverbs,… read more