Jeffery Stokes
List of John Benjamins publications for which Jeffery Stokes plays a role.
Considering Cultural Perspectives in Mexico and Peru in the Teaching of Spanish ITL - International Journal of Applied Linguistics 160, pp. 49–74 | Article
2010 In an effort to better understand Latin American cultural perspectives that should be communicated to students as part of their learning to function in Spanish, a survey articulating 26 hypothesized cultural perspectives of modern Latin Americans was administered to 58 individuals from Mexico and… read more
Factors in the Acquisition of the Present Subjunctive in Spanish: The Role of Reading and Study ITL - International Journal of Applied Linguistics 121/122, pp. 19–25 | Article
1998 University level students of Spanish were tested on their (acquired) competence in the subjunctive. Free reading in Spanish was a significant predictor of subjunctive competence, but length of residence in a Spanish-speaking country, formal study, and specific study of the subjunctive were not… read more