Ross Krekoski

List of John Benjamins publications for which Ross Krekoski plays a role.


Krekoski, Ross 2021 Linguistic units and their systems: Completeness, self-reference, and contingencyUsage-based and Typological Approaches to Linguistic Units, Ono, Tsuyoshi, Ritva Laury and Ryoko Suzuki (eds.), pp. 39–58 | Chapter
A theoretical discussion of units in linguistic theory would be, in a sense, incomplete without a discussion of the systems, whether overt or implied, that the units are associated with. This paper traces conceptualizations of units and their accompanying systems in several disciplines. We… read more
Krekoski, Ross 2019 Linguistic units and their systems: Completeness, self-reference, and contingencyUsage-based and Typological Approaches to Linguistic Units, Ono, Tsuyoshi, Ritva Laury and Ryoko Suzuki (eds.), pp. 281–300 | Article
A theoretical discussion of units in linguistic theory would be, in a sense, incomplete without a discussion of the systems, whether overt or implied, that the units are associated with. This paper traces conceptualizations of units and their accompanying systems in several disciplines. We… read more