Ming Chew Teo
List of John Benjamins publications for which Ming Chew Teo plays a role.
Creating individual styles through discourse variation in Singapore Mandarin Chinese Language and Discourse 16:1, pp. 55–80 | Article
2025 By applying the concepts of indexicality and enregisterment, this paper demonstrates how different discourse particles and their collocations index various personae in Singapore Mandarin and how media representations enregister them within the community. The theory of persona is shown to explain… read more
The [有 yǒu + vp ] construction in Singapore Mandarin: Ambiguity and semantic continuity Chinese Language and Discourse 13:2, pp. 275–301 | Article
2022 As a result of contact between mutually unintelligible Southern Chinese varieties like Hokkien and Cantonese, Colloquial Singapore Mandarin (csm) 有 yǒu ‘have’ has extended its semantic functions to include that of realis modality marker. This paper will demonstrate how a framework of ambiguity… read more
The role of parallel constructions in imposition: A synchronic study of already in Colloquial Singapore English Journal of Pidgin and Creole Languages 34:2, pp. 346–376 | Article
2019 Imposition, a general mechanism of contact-induced change that manifests itself in creole formation, second language acquisition, and even language attrition (Winford 2013), is a result of unequal dominance in a multilingual’s languages, whereby linguistic features from an individual’s more… read more
Transferability of semantic functions in contact-induced grammaticalization: The case of Singapore Colloquial English one Studies in Language 38:4, pp. 836–863 | Article
2014 Unlike Standard English, one in Singapore Colloquial English (SCE) not only functions as a numeral and a pronoun, it also functions as a nominalizer and a contrastive focus marker. Even though previous studies on SCE one have unequivocally proven that the expanded functions of one were a result of… read more