Matteo Rivoira
List of John Benjamins publications for which Matteo Rivoira plays a role.
“Going standard” on a blank page: A corpus-based approach to the written varieties of the Italian Western Alps minorities (Occitan, Francoprovençal and Walser) Corpus Dialectology, Pustka, Elissa, Carmen Quijada Van den Berghe and Verena Weiland (eds.), pp. 84–105 | Chapter
2023 This chapter investigates non-standard languages, i.e., those which are dialectal, non-standardised – or standardised to a very limited extent, represented by the local linguistic varieties that populate the Italian Western Alps. Despite the fact that these have almost exclusively existed as… read more
Lingue, dialetti e religione nelle aree occitane e francoprovenzali Minorities in Italy in a changing legal landscape, Iannàccaro, Gabriele and Vittorio Dell’Aquila (eds.), pp. 320–345 | Article
2020 Gli stretti e complessi rapporti tra religione e lingua sono ormai uno degli ambiti di studio della sociologia del linguaggio. L’adozione in ambito religioso di determinati codici discende in genere dalla disponibilità di varietà elaborate nel repertorio linguistico comunitario, ma al contempo… read more