From apartheid to incorporation
The emergence and transformations of modern language community in Barbados, West Indies
This article explores the insights that research on the emergence of ideologies of modernity and recent discussions of commensurability can offer for the understanding of the construction and maintenance of sociolinguistic hierarchies in Barbados. It takes as its focus (1) the ways in which the drawing of the boundaries of language communities has been linked to broader ideological and political economic processes that surround and depend on linguistic stratification and (2) specific, interaction-level ways in which sociolinguistic stratification is enacted today. It argues that the inclusion of Barbados in the colonial project of producing the modern speaker was underpinned by ideologies of modern governance and was predicated on the political need to transform the enslaved population into modern subjects. This inclusion defined new terms of exclusion and engendered in the speakers a reflexive distance from their English voice.
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Cited by (3)
Cited by three other publications
Wirtz, Kristina
Voices in a Sea of History: Why Study Language in the Caribbean.
The Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology 27:3
► pp. 255 ff.

Fenigsen, Janina
Scaling Language Boundaries: Inclusion, Commensurability, and a Caribbean Coloniality.
Journal of Linguistic Anthropology 31:3
► pp. 412 ff.

Ethnographic Monitoring: Hymes's Unfinished Business in Educational Research.
Anthropology & Education Quarterly 42:4
► pp. 319 ff.

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