Cummings, Sarah, Nyamwaya Munthali & Toni Sittoni
Epistemic Justice as a “New Normal?” Interrogating the Contributions of Communities of Practice to Decolonization of Knowledge.
Sustainable Development
Ehrlich, Amira
Tales from the Pub, the Records, and the Theatre: Using Narrative Inquiry to Promote Diversity and Inclusion in Music Education. In
Methodological Musings: Thinking with Narrative in Music Education Research [
Landscapes: the Arts, Aesthetics, and Education, 37],
► pp. 191 ff.
Gonzalez-Perez, Cesar, Martín Pereira-Fariña, Beatriz Calderón-Cerrato & Patricia Martín-Rodilla
IAT/ML: a metamodel and modelling approach for discourse analysis.
Software and Systems Modeling 23:5
► pp. 1157 ff.
Haas, Henriette
Antisemitische Desinformation und Propaganda im Gewand von Wissenschaft.
Praxis der Rechtspsychologie 34:2
► pp. 201 ff.
Kotera, Yasuhiro, Riddhi Daryanani, Oliver Skipper, Adelabu Jonathan Simpson, Simran Takhi, Merly McPhilbin, Benjamin-Rose Ingall, Mariam Namasaba, Jessica Jepps, Vanessa Kellermann, Divya Bhandari, Yasutaka Ojio, Amy Ronaldson, Estefania Guerrero, Tesnime Jebara, Claire Henderson, Mike Slade & Sara Vilar-Lluch
Applying Critical Discourse Analysis to Cross-Cultural Mental Health Recovery Research: Positive Changes and No Value Judgement (Preprint).
JMIR Formative Research
Landqvist, Mats
Strategic Linguistic Choices within the Swedish Disability Movement: Practical Reasoning, Agency, and Antiableist Challenges.
Rhetoric Society Quarterly 54:4
► pp. 366 ff.
Lee, Min Joo
“Korean Women All Make Bad Wives”: Misogyny and Nationalism in Online Discourses Promoting Interracial Relationships Between Korean Men and White Women.
Men and Masculinities 27:1
► pp. 42 ff.
MacLeod, Anna, Rachel H. Ellaway & Jennifer Cleland
A meta‐study analysing the discourses of discourse analysis in health professions education.
Medical Education 58:9
► pp. 1058 ff.
Omeni, Akali & Areej Al Khathlan
“Framing” contentious activism: a sociological analysis of Boko Haram’s ideology, through its discourse (2008 – 2016).
Critical Studies on Terrorism 17:2
► pp. 201 ff.
Peck, Jamie, Chris Meulbroek & Dimitar Anguelov
Hong Kong’s new normal: Remaking authorized discourses of “special administration,” 2017–2022.
Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space 42:6
► pp. 1082 ff.
Simberg-Koulumies, Nina
Just sustainabilities: lessons from the Lake Turkana Wind Power project in Kenya.
Local Environment 29:1
► pp. 40 ff.
Zhou, Wanting & Wei Guan
How is autism portrayed in news media? A corpus-based, mixed-methods analysis in China.
Frontiers in Communication 9
Barkho, Leon
For a postfoundational method to news discourse analysis.
Cogent Arts & Humanities 10:1
Brown, Danny Lee
“Oh for the days when men were men”: constructing, defending and justifying masculinity in newspaper comment forums – a critique.
Feminist Media Studies 23:2
► pp. 456 ff.
De Rycker, Teun
Recontextualising "Doing a doctoral degree" as a social practice complex: Evidence from Malaysia.
Discourse and Interaction 16:1
► pp. 47 ff.
Haider, Ahmad S., Alia Ahmad, Sane Yagi & Bassam H. Hammo
The influence of audience on the topics discussed by King Abdullah II of Jordan: a corpus-assisted discourse study.
Contemporary Levant 8:2
► pp. 208 ff.
Heritage, Frazer
Positionality in a Contemptuous Time: Ethical Considerations and Discussions on Researching Language, Gender, and Sexuality.
Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik 71:3
► pp. 341 ff.
Karaminis, Themis, Costas Gabrielatos, Ursula Maden-Weinberger & Geoffrey Beattie
Portrayals of autism in the British press: A corpus-based study.
Autism 27:4
► pp. 1092 ff.
Kouritzin, Sandra G., Taylor F. Ellis, Ahmad Zirak Ghazani & Satoru Nakagawa
Gigification of English Language Instructor Work in Higher Education: Precarious Employment and Magic Time.
TESOL Quarterly 57:4
► pp. 1518 ff.
Krüger, Steffen & Christopher Wilson
The problem with trust: on the discursive commodification of trust in AI.
► pp. 1753 ff.
Selechopoulou, Vasiliki-Eleni
Early-Career Teachers Experiencing the Pandemic in Greece and England: A Critical Comparative Study of Subjectivity and Governance. In
Beyond the Pandemic Pedagogy of Managerialism,
► pp. 209 ff.
Sipitanos, Konstantinos
Raising awareness against fake news to protect democracy: the myth of Islamophobia in Trump's speech.
Social Semiotics 33:4
► pp. 714 ff.
Tayebipour, Meysam
Theoretical Frameworks. In
Ayatollah Khomeini Through the Lens of the Iran-Iraq War [
Studies in Iranian Politics, ],
► pp. 43 ff.
Zaniewski, Bartosz, Rudi Dallos, Jacqui Stedmon & Penelope Welbourne
Boys don’t cry: Trauma, trauma narrative and masculine practice among young male who engaged in harmful sexual behaviour.
Human Systems: Therapy, Culture and Attachments 3:1
► pp. 3 ff.
نصير جواد كاظم النجم & أ.م.د. رائد داخل كريم الخزاعي
Identity Formation Through Verbal Processes in Toni Morrison's "Beloved".
Journal of Education College Wasit University 51:2
► pp. 409 ff.
Azzopardi, Corry
Gendered Attributions of Blame and Failure to Protect in Child Welfare Responses to Sexual Abuse: A Feminist Critical Discourse Analysis.
Violence Against Women 28:6-7
► pp. 1631 ff.
Güney, Aylin
Turkey’s Relations with the EU from a Critical Perspective: From Europhilism to Anti-Europeanism (2002–2021). In
Critical Readings of Turkey’s Foreign Policy,
► pp. 211 ff.
Hagvall Svensson, Oskar, Tom Adawi & Anders Johansson
Authenticity work in higher education learning environments: a double-edged sword?.
Higher Education 84:1
► pp. 67 ff.
Haider, Ahmad S. & Linda S. Al-Abbas
Stereotyping Arab women in jokes circulated on social media during the coronavirus crisis.
The European Journal of Humour Research 10:1
► pp. 168 ff.
Jebessa, Kassaye Gutema
Fuel for Perpetuating Struggle: Analysis of an Oromo Resistance Song.
Critical Arts 36:1-2
► pp. 20 ff.
Kennedy, Charlotte-Rose
Worthiness, unity, numbers and commitment: Strengthening qualitative corpus methods in the critical discourse analysis of protest press coverage.
Discourse & Society 33:5
► pp. 611 ff.
Kosman, Marcin
Twitter Krzysztofa Bosaka i Roberta Biedronia w kampanii prezydenckiej w 2020 r. Krytyczna analiza dyskursu z wykorzystaniem metod lingwistyki korpusowej .
Kultura i Społeczeństwo 66:1
► pp. 53 ff.
Kosman, Marcin
Strategie (de)legitymizacyjne kandydatów w wyborach na prezydenta Rzeszowa w 2021 roku. Analiza korpusowa wpisów na Twitterze.
Przegląd Socjologii Jakościowej 20:1
► pp. 124 ff.
Kosman, Marcin
Framing the Polish-Belarusian Border in 2021. The Case of Public Service Television (TVP).
Problems of Post-Communism ► pp. 1 ff.
Kosman, Marcin
Sanitary segregation imposed by Big Brother – a Multimodal Critical Discourse Analysis of Grzegorz Braun’s radical anti-vaccine rhetoric.
Journal of Contemporary European Studies ► pp. 1 ff.
Leotti, Sandra M, Erin P Sugrue & Nichole (Nick) Winges-Yanez
Unpacking the worlds in our words: Critical discourse analysis and social work inquiry.
Qualitative Social Work 21:2
► pp. 260 ff.
Nartey, Mark
Investigating emancipatory discourses in action: The need for an interventionist approach and an activist-scholar posture.
Critical Discourse Studies 19:5
► pp. 459 ff.
Romāne-Kalniņa, Līga
‘Return to the International Family of Democracies’: Keyness Factor in the International Speeches of the Baltic Presidents.
Baltic Journal of English Language, Literature and Culture 12
► pp. 114 ff.
Álvarez Mella, Héctor & Francisco Moreno Fernández
La importancia internacional de las lenguas revisitada.
Círculo de Lingüística Aplicada a la Comunicación 90
► pp. 201 ff.
Cannizzaro, Sara
From ‘Motivation’ to ‘Constraints’, from ‘Discourse’ to ‘Modeling System’: Steering Multimodal Critical Discourse Analysis Towards Cybersemiotics. In
Introduction to Cybersemiotics: A Transdisciplinary Perspective [
Biosemiotics, 21],
► pp. 301 ff.
House, Juliane & Dániel Z. Kádár
Cross-Cultural Pragmatics,
Lederman, Erica
‘Context, gestures, and smiles’: investigating linguistic and cultural attitudes in Rick Steves’s European phrasebooks.
Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change 19:6
► pp. 838 ff.
Munro, Jane A. & Anna D. Beck
The Effect of UK Nursing Policy on Higher Education Wound Care Provision and Practice: A Critical Discourse Analysis.
Policy, Politics, & Nursing Practice 22:2
► pp. 134 ff.
Power, Kate
Institutions. In
Analysing Religious Discourse,
► pp. 126 ff.
Ali Hattab, Huda Abed & Rasha khalil Ibrahim Fakhir
International Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities 10:02
► pp. 116 ff.
Barrado–Timón, Diego A.
The Meaning and Content of the Concept of the Social in the Scientific Discourse on Urban Social Sustainability.
City & Community 19:4
► pp. 1103 ff.
Cresswell, James & Paul Sullivan
Bakhtin’s chronotope, connotations, and discursive psychology: towards a richer interpretation of experience.
Qualitative Research in Psychology 17:1
► pp. 121 ff.
Deschrijver, Cedric
Metalinguistic density as an indicator of sharedness: Economic and financial terms in online interaction.
Language & Communication 71
► pp. 123 ff.
Erforth, Benedikt
Multilateralism as a tool: Exploring French military cooperation in the Sahel.
Journal of Strategic Studies 43:4
► pp. 560 ff.
Horrod, Sarah
Investigating Policy Processes and Discourses in Higher Education: The Theoretical Complementarities of Bernstein's Pedagogic Device and Critical Discourse Studies. In
Theory and Method in Higher Education Research [
Theory and Method in Higher Education Research, ],
► pp. 147 ff.
Karimullah, Kamran
Sketching women: a corpus-based approach to representations of women's agency in political Internet corpora in Arabic and English.
Corpora 15:1
► pp. 21 ff.
Ashraf, Muhammad Junaid, Faiza Muhammad & Trevor Hopper
Accounting signifiers, political discourse, popular resistance and legal identity during Pakistan Steel Mills attempted privatization.
Critical Perspectives on Accounting 60
► pp. 18 ff.
Açıkgöz, Selçuk, Reinhard Haudenhuyse & Hülya Aşçı
Social inclusion for whom and towards what end? A critical discourse analysis of youth and sport policies in Turkey.
Journal of Youth Studies 22:3
► pp. 330 ff.
Cap, Piotr
Discourse studies: Between social constructionism and linguistics. A critical overview.
Topics in Linguistics 20:2
► pp. 1 ff.
Clark, Adam Scott
The problematic definition of ‘Chinese’ in Hong Kong.
Language & Communication 67
► pp. 55 ff.
Jackson Inderberg, Tor Håkon & Ian Bailey
Changing the record: Narrative policy analysis and the politics of emissions trading in New Zealand.
Environmental Policy and Governance 29:6
► pp. 409 ff.
Lok, Jaco
Why (and How) Institutional Theory Can Be Critical: Addressing the Challenge to Institutional Theory’s Critical Turn.
Journal of Management Inquiry 28:3
► pp. 335 ff.
Murphy, James
Introduction. In
The Discursive Construction of Blame,
► pp. 1 ff.
Sengul, Kurt
Critical discourse analysis in political communication research: a case study of right-wing populist discourse in Australia.
Communication Research and Practice 5:4
► pp. 376 ff.
Shin, Dongil
Analyzing media discourse on the development of the National English Ability Test (NEAT) in South Korea.
Language Testing in Asia 9:1
Theng Ong, Theng & Robert M. McKenzie
The language of suffering: Media discourse and public attitudes towards the MH17 air tragedy in Malaysia and the UK.
Discourse & Communication 13:5
► pp. 562 ff.
Cristina Caimotto, Maria & Federico Gaspari
Corpus-based study of news translation: challenges and possibilities.
Across Languages and Cultures 19:2
► pp. 205 ff.
Donoghue, Matthew
Beyond Hegemony: Elaborating on the Use of Gramscian Concepts in Critical Discourse Analysis for Political Studies.
Political Studies 66:2
► pp. 392 ff.
Guion Akdağ, Emma & Dalene M. Swanson
Ethics, power, internationalisation and the postcolonial: a Foucauldian discourse analysis of policy documents in two Scottish universities.
European Journal of Higher Education 8:1
► pp. 67 ff.
Haider, Ahmad S.
Using corpus linguistic techniques in (critical) discourse studies reduces but does not remove bias: Evidence from an Arabic corpus about refugees.
Poznan Studies in Contemporary Linguistics 55:1
► pp. 89 ff.
Liu, Yuanyuan
Staging Repentance: A Discourse Analysis of Mediated Confession in Xi Jinping's First Five-Year Term.
Journal of Current Chinese Affairs 47:3
► pp. 17 ff.
Radavoi, Ciprian N. & Yongmin Bian
The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank's environmental and social policies: a critical discourse analysis.
Journal of International and Comparative Social Policy 34:1
► pp. 1 ff.
YETİM, Mustafa & Ramazan ERDAĞ
Uluslararası İlişkilerde Eleştirel Söylem Analizi: Revizyonist Söylemin Gelişimi.
İstanbul Gelişim Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 5:1
► pp. 79 ff.
Brownlow, Charlotte, Lindsay O’Dell & Tanya Machin
Understanding the Autistic Individual: A Practical Guide to Critical Discourse Analysis. In
A Practical Guide to Social Interaction Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders,
► pp. 141 ff.
Kim, Kyung Hye
Newsweek discourses on China and their Korean translations: A corpus-based approach.
Discourse, Context & Media 15
► pp. 34 ff.
Leipold, Sina & Georg Winkel
Discursive Agency: (Re‐)Conceptualizing Actors and Practices in the Analysis of Discursive Policymaking.
Policy Studies Journal 45:3
► pp. 510 ff.
Regmi, Kapil Dev
Critical Discourse Analysis: Exploring its Philosophical Underpinnings.
Méthod(e)s: African Review of Social Sciences Methodology 2:1-2
► pp. 93 ff.
Regmi, Kapil Dev
Critical policy sociology: key underlying assumptions and their implications for educational policy research.
International Journal of Research & Method in Education 42:1
► pp. 59 ff.
Smirnova, Anastasia, Helena Laranetto & Nicholas Kolenda
Ideology through sentiment analysis: A changing perspective on Russia and Islam in NYT.
Discourse & Communication 11:3
► pp. 296 ff.
Thurnell-Read, Thomas
‘What’s on your Bucket List?’: Tourism, identity and imperative experiential discourse.
Annals of Tourism Research 67
► pp. 58 ff.
Zienkowski, Jan
Discourse Theory on the Logics of Articulation, Politics and Subjectivity. In
Articulations of Self and Politics in Activist Discourse,
► pp. 35 ff.
Zienkowski, Jan
The Pragmatic Dimension of Discourse as Articulation. In
Articulations of Self and Politics in Activist Discourse,
► pp. 91 ff.
Zienkowski, Jan
Politics and the political in critical discourse studies: state of the art and a call for an intensified focus on the metapolitical dimension of discursive practice.
Critical Discourse Studies 16:2
► pp. 131 ff.
Clarke, David A.G. & Jamie Mcphie
From places to paths:Learning for Sustainability, teacher education and a philosophy of becoming.
Environmental Education Research 22:7
► pp. 1002 ff.
Hayes, Sarah
Learning from a Deceptively Spacious Policy Discourse. In
Research, Boundaries, and Policy in Networked Learning,
► pp. 23 ff.
Pietikäinen, Sari
Critical debates: Discourse, boundaries and social change. In
► pp. 263 ff.
Salahshour, Neda
Liquid metaphors as positive evaluations: A corpus-assisted discourse analysis of the representation of migrants in a daily New Zealand newspaper.
Discourse, Context & Media 13
► pp. 73 ff.
Sullivan, Paul
Nietzsche or Aristotle: The implications for social psychology.
Theory & Psychology 26:3
► pp. 393 ff.
O'Rourke, Brendan K.
Enabling deeper and more transferable analysis of economic expert discourse: A Commentary on Maesse's Economic Experts.
Journal of Multicultural Discourses 10:3
► pp. 306 ff.
Wild, Mary, Carolyn Silberfeld & Beverley Nightingale
More? Great? Childcare? A discourse analysis of two recent social policy documents relating to the care and education of young children in England.
International Journal of Early Years Education 23:3
► pp. 230 ff.
Eder, Franz X. & Oliver Kühschelm
Bilder – Geschichtswissenschaft – Diskurse. In
Bilder in historischen Diskursen,
► pp. 3 ff.
Kamasa, Victoria
Techniki językoznawstwa korpusowego wykorzystywane w krytycznej analizie dyskursu. Przegląd.
Przegląd Socjologii Jakościowej 10:2
► pp. 100 ff.
Rich, Kyle Andrew & Audrey R. Giles
Examining Whiteness and Eurocanadian Discourses in the Canadian Red Cross’ Swim Program.
Journal of Sport and Social Issues 38:5
► pp. 465 ff.
Gough, Brendan, Majella McFadden & Matthew McDonald
Reflections on Critical Social Psychology. In
Critical Social Psychology,
► pp. 273 ff.
Smith, Karen
Critical Discourse Analysis and Higher Education Research. In
Theory and Method in Higher Education Research [
International Perspectives on Higher Education Research, 9],
► pp. 61 ff.
Wijsen, Frans
‘There are radical Muslims and normal Muslims’: an analysis of the discourse on Islamic extremism.
Religion 43:1
► pp. 70 ff.
This list is based on CrossRef data as of 24 december 2024. Please note that it may not be complete. Sources presented here have been supplied by the respective publishers.
Any errors therein should be reported to them.