Situated co-operative creativity
A highly important societal aspect of language use are pragmatic creative acts and interactions. The ability to,
through multimodal interaction, create something new, is primordial for human sociality. In this paper, I propose a theoretical
model that enables detailed analysis of situated co-operative creative actions as these naturally emerge in interactional
situations. First, I develop the theoretical model by extrapolating from Charles Goodwin’s theory of co-operative action. I then
illustrate the model through detailed analysis of a single case where participants interact in a video-mediated robotic context.
The model is situated within ethnomethodological multimodal conversation analysis and based on video ethnographic data. This
research contributes to the field of creativity and human pragmatic action by providing an applicable model for Situated
Co-Operative Creativity, the SCOC model, which can be used for detailed analysis of everyday creativity.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Approaches to creativity
- 3.EMCA studies of creativity
- 4.A Goodwinian approach to situated co-operative creativity
- 5.Developing the Situated Co-Operative Creativity (SCOC) model
- 6.Analysis of a single case
- 7.Discussing the analysis in light of the SCOC model
- 8.Conclusion: Potentials and problems regarding the SCOC model
- Acknowledgements
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Human Communication Research 50:1
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