Article published In:
Pragmatics and Society: Online-First ArticlesCitizens’ polarised discourses on climate change and mobility
The conflict with Barcelona mayor Ada Colau
The purpose of this paper is to analyse a conflict between a group of Barcelona residents and the then mayor, Ada
Colau, concerning the transformation of an area of the city into a green zone, which would involve the loss of public parking
spaces. For data-gathering and analysis we have used ethnographic research and Critical Discourse Analysis. Our analysis reveals
that the majority of citizens involved, by means of the different resources (ontological metaphors and various types of
arguments), activate different frames with the aim of disputing the mayor’s standpoint. Our interpretation demonstrates that, from
a position of climate change denial, these citizens do not explicitly deny scientific evidence, but do oppose radical changes to
their own neighbourhood and lifestyle. Finally, we conclude with a brief reflection on the methodology used and on the need for a
greater interconnection between discourse analysis and other social disciplines related to this topic.
Keywords: polarised conflicts, analysis of polarised discourse, analysis of environmental discourse, urban mobility, climate change denial, cognitive frame, ontological metaphor, (Critical) Discourse Analysis.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Previous studies
- 3.Theory and methodology
- 4.Analysis
- 5.Interpretation and conclusions
- Notes
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