Metonymy and the polysemy of Covid in Italian
Among the linguistic consequences of the current pandemic, we focus on the usage of the lexeme
Covid(-19) in Italian, both in the language of the daily press and in institutional/technical language. More
specifically, we analyze the range of its polysemy and the role of metonymy in the semantic shifts that have produced it. The
salience of the highly infectious pathogen, which also prompted its metaphorical reconceptualization, triggered the first
extension of the term, originally denoting the disease, to predominantly denote the virus that causes it. This has also resulted
in an almost complete shift of grammatical gender from feminine to masculine. Beside the primary metonymic shift,
Covid(-19) developed a variety of further meanings which highlight different components of the emerging
covid frame. The linguistic data are drawn from La Repubblica, a daily general-interest newspaper,
and from a selection of texts by major governmental and health institutions.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.The names of infectious diseases and related pathogens
- 3.
Covid. The salience of the virus and the metonymic shift
- 3.1
covid as an animate entity
- 3.2Gender assignment: from feminine to masculine
- 4.
covid as a frame
- 4.1
covid as an event and a period in time
- 4.2
covid as socio-economic impact of the pandemic
- 4.3Metonymies in the domain of health and health care
- 4.3.1
covid as
type of covid disease, case of covid disease, infected/diseased person
- 4.3.2
covid as contagion (rate) and containment of
- 5.Conclusions
- Acknowledgements
- Notes
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