This article presents a software-based methodology for studying metaphor in discourse, mainly within the framework of Conceptual Metaphor Theory (CMT). Despite a welcome recent swing towards methodological reflexivity, a detailed explication of the pros and cons of different procedures is still in order as far as qualitative research (i.e. a context-sensitive manual coding of a text corpus) is concerned. Qualitatively oriented scholars have to make difficult decisions revolving around the general research design, the transfer of linguistic theory into method, good workflow management, and the aimed at scope of analysis. My first task is to pinpoint typical tasks and demonstrate how they are optimally dealt with by using qualitative annotation software like ATLAS.ti. Software not only streamlines metaphor tagging itself, it systematizes the interpretive work from grouping text items into systematic/conceptual metaphor sets, via data surveys and checks, to quantitative comparisons and a cohesion-based analysis. My second task is to illustrate how a good research design can provide a step-wise procedure, offer systematic validation checks, keep the code system slim and many analytic options open. When we aim at complex data searches and want to handle high metaphor diversity I recommend compositional coding, i.e. tagging source and target domains separately (instead of adopting a “one mapping-one code” strategy). Furthermore, by tagging metaphors for image-schematic and rich semantic source domains in parallel, i.e. two-tier coding, we get multiple options for grouping metaphors into systematic sets.
2023. Systematic Metaphors in Norwegian Doctoral Dissertation Acknowledgements. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research 67:5 ► pp. 679 ff.
Munday, Imogene, Ian Kneebone, Kris Rogers & Toby Newton-John
2022. The Language of Pain: Is There a Relationship Between Metaphor Use and Adjustment to Chronic Pain?. Pain Medicine 23:12 ► pp. 2073 ff.
Schmieder, Christian
2022. Die Integration von Qualitativer Datenanalyse-Software der systematischen Metaphernanalyse. In Die Praxis der systematischen Metaphernanalyse, ► pp. 163 ff.
Isaza, Carolina & Ringo Ossewaarde
2021. Corruption in Public Discourses: A Comparison Between Colombian and European Metaphors. Public Integrity 23:4 ► pp. 401 ff.
2020. ‘Barbed wire wrapped around my feet’: Metaphor use in chronic pain. British Journal of Health Psychology 25:3 ► pp. 814 ff.
Deignan, Alice & Elena Semino
2019. Translating science for young people through metaphor. The Translator 25:4 ► pp. 369 ff.
Deignan, Alice, Elena Semino & Shirley-Anne Paul
2019. Metaphors of Climate Science in Three Genres: Research Articles, Educational Texts, and Secondary School Student Talk. Applied Linguistics 40:2 ► pp. 379 ff.
2020. Czech party positions on the EU’s finality: a conceptual metaphor approach. Journal of International Relations and Development 23:2 ► pp. 462 ff.
Kovář, Jan
2020. Moving Forward or Turning Back? Slovak Parties and the Future of the EU. Communist and Post-Communist Studies 53:3 ► pp. 43 ff.
Denroche, Charles
2018. Text metaphtonymy. Metaphor and the Social World 8:1 ► pp. 1 ff.
Scherer, Bee & Jeff Waistell
2018. METAPHORS OF MINDFULNESS. Contemporary Buddhism 19:2 ► pp. 417 ff.
Silvestre-López, Antonio-José & Ignasi Navarro i Ferrando
This list is based on CrossRef data as of 26 december 2024. Please note that it may not be complete. Sources presented here have been supplied by the respective publishers.
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