Chapter 9
Screen eyetracking
Eye-tracking has emerged as a pivotal method in studying visual processing
and cognitive load, providing invaluable data for linguistic and psycholinguistic
analyses. In translation and interpreting research, eye-tracking technology has become
central in empirical investigations into translation processes. This chapter offers a
comprehensive overview of eye-tracking as a research method employed in translation and
interpreting research, introducing key concepts and procedures for examining visual
attention and cognitive effort. It outlines common paradigms, variables and data
measurement procedures, while also offering an overview of existing hardware and
software for eye-tracking data collection and analysis.
Article outline
- 1.The method and key notions
- 1.1State of the art in screen eyetracking
- 1.2Ethical issues and participant comfort in screen eyetracking
- 2.Conceptual aspects
- 2.1Variables in screen eyetracking
- 2.2Data measurement and analysis in screen eyetracking
- 3.Implementation
- 3.1Sample size and data collection
- 3.2Hardware and software in screen eyetracking
- 3.3Experiment setup in screen eyetracking
- 3.4Data quality in screen eyetracking
- 4.Closing remarks
Further readings on eyetracking
This content is being prepared for publication; it may be subject to changes.