Chapter 3
Hansard at Huddersfield
Streamlined corpus methods and interactive visualisations to pursue
research aims beyond corpus linguistics
This chapter describes one project’s approach to
fostering uptake of corpus tools in research beyond corpus linguistics. It
introduces the Hansard at Huddersfield web application, a new search tool
that combines tried-and-tested corpus tools with interactive visualisations
to make Hansard, the official record of the UK parliament (1803–2021), more
accessible for in-depth study by non-specialists. The chapter outlines the
thinking behind and development of the Hansard at Huddersfield web interface
and exemplifies how the site’s adapted corpus tools offer non-linguists new
entry points for Hansard research through three small sample studies. It
further reflects on the process of preparing the large Hansard corpus to
allow insights to be gleaned from corpus-style searches by researchers with
relatively little training.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Hansard’s potential for insights into governance
- 3.The Hansard at Huddersfield website
- 3.1Aims and challenges
- 3.2Data preparation
- 3.3A summary of the functions on the website
- 3.4Corpus tool inclusion criteria
- 4.Using Hansard at Huddersfield to pursue research aims
- 4.1(Un)lawful assembly
- 4.2Austerity
- 4.3World Wars
- 5.Conclusions