André, Virginie, Alex Boulton, Maud Ciekanski & Clara Cousinard
Götz, Sandra & Sylviane Granger
Zhang, Jing & Mu You
Corpus de aprendizes de português da Universidade de Macau e ensino de português L2.
Texto Livre 17

Ftita, Amel
Collocabilité dans le français fondamental : quel impact sur la sélection lexicale dans le curriculum formel du lycée tunisien ?.
Multilinguales 20

Granger, Sylviane & Marie-Aude Lefer
Liu, Tanjun & Dana Gablasova
Data-driven learning of collocations by Chinese learners of English: a longitudinal perspective.
Computer Assisted Language Learning ► pp. 1 ff.

Selivan, Leo
Corpus Linguistics and Vocabulary Teaching. In
Demystifying Corpus Linguistics for English Language Teaching,
► pp. 139 ff.

Sun, Xiaoya & Guangwei Hu
Direct and indirect data-driven learning: An experimental study of hedging in an EFL writing class.
Language Teaching Research 27:3
► pp. 660 ff.

Xia, Detong, Yudi Chen & Hye K. Pae
Lexical and grammatical collocations in beginning and intermediate L2 argumentative essays: a bigram study.
International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching 61:4
► pp. 1421 ff.

Cangır, Hakan
Using Corpus Tools for Academic Writing in EFL Settings: A Data-Driven Learning Approach. In
New Directions in Technology for Writing Instruction [
English Language Education, 30],
► pp. 171 ff.

Di Nuovo, Elisa, Manuela Sanguinetti, Alessandro Mazzei, Elisa Corino & Cristina Bosco
VALICO-UD: Treebanking an Italian Learner Corpus in Universal Dependencies.
Italian Journal of Computational Linguistics 8:1

Dutra, Deise Prina, Bárbara Malveira Orfanò, Annallena de Souza Guedes, Jessica Ceritello Alves & João Gabriel Fekete
The learner corpus path: a worthwhile methodological challenge.
DELTA: Documentação de Estudos em Lingüística Teórica e Aplicada 38:2

Mukhamadiarova, A. F.
Creation of a mobile dictionary in German (based on corpus technologies and the Glide app).
Informatics and education 37:3
► pp. 55 ff.

Chun, Jihye & Mi Hyun Kim
Corpus-informed application based on Korean Learners’ Corpus: substitution errors of topic and nominative markers.
Asian-Pacific Journal of Second and Foreign Language Education 6:1

König, Alexander, Jennifer-Carmen Frey & Egon W. Stemle
Exploring Reusability and Reproducibility for a Research Infrastructure for L1 and L2 Learner Corpora.
Information 12:5
► pp. 199 ff.

Matsumoto, Noriko
Developing one corpus‐based grammar textbook about irregular multi‐verb sequences in English.
International Journal of Applied Linguistics 31:2
► pp. 264 ff.

Blanco-Suárez, Zeltia, Francisco Gallardo-del-Puerto & Evelyn Gandón-Chapela
The Primary Education Learners’ English Corpus (PELEC): Design and compilation.
Research in Corpus Linguistics 8
► pp. 147 ff.

Frey, Jennifer-Carmen, Alexander König, Darja Fišer & D. Ivanović
Creating a learner corpus infrastructure: Experiences from making learner corpora available.
ITM Web of Conferences 33
► pp. 03006 ff.

Gilquin, Gaëtanelle
Learner Corpora. In
A Practical Handbook of Corpus Linguistics,
► pp. 283 ff.

Gut, Ulrike
Spoken Corpora. In
A Practical Handbook of Corpus Linguistics,
► pp. 235 ff.

Smith, George Fredrik, Kristopher Kyle & Scott A. Crossley
Barouni Ebrahimi, Alireza
Measuring productive collocational knowledge of the most frequent words.
International Journal of Applied Linguistics 29:1
► pp. 30 ff.

Beeh, Christoph
Schnittstelle Korpora und Fremdsprachenunterricht,
► pp. 395 ff.

Gablasova, Dana, Vaclav Brezina & Tony McEnery
Jansen, Sandra & Christian Langstrof
Compiling a Speech Corpus of German English: Rhoticity and the BATH Vowel. In
English in the German-Speaking World,
► pp. 229 ff.

Lozano, Cristóbal & Ana Díaz-Negrillo
Vasheghani Farahani, Mehrdad & Zeinab Amiri
The impact of teaching specialized terminology on translation performance.
Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education 11:3
► pp. 506 ff.

Xu, Jiajin
The Corpus Approach to the Teaching and Learning of Chinese as an L1 and an L2 in Retrospect. In
Computational and Corpus Approaches to Chinese Language Learning [
Chinese Language Learning Sciences, ],
► pp. 33 ff.

Alharbi, Hanan
Saudi EFL Students' Use of Lexical Collocations in English Writing: A Corpus-Based Study.
SSRN Electronic Journal 
Fuster-Márquez, Miguel & Carmen Gregori-Signes
Learning from learners: a non-standard direct approach to the teaching of writing skills in EFL in a university context.
Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching 12:2
► pp. 164 ff.

Huang, Li-Shih
Taking Stock of Corpus-Based Instruction in Teaching English as an International Language.
RELC Journal 49:3
► pp. 381 ff.

Kızıl, Aysel Şahin & Abdurrahman Kilimci
Teaching Collocations through Web-Based Concordancing. In
Multiculturalism and Technology-Enhanced Language Learning [
Advances in Educational Technologies and Instructional Design, ],
► pp. 142 ff.

Multilingual native language identification.
Natural Language Engineering 23:2
► pp. 163 ff.

Valetopoulos, Freiderikos & Efi Lamprou
Les phrases relatives : la complexité à l’épreuve des corpus d’apprenants.
Éla. Études de linguistique appliquée N° 185:1
► pp. 67 ff.

Koike, Dale & Jennifer Witte
Bale, Richard
An evaluation of spoken corpus‐based resources in undergraduate interpreter training.
International Journal of Applied Linguistics 25:1
► pp. 23 ff.

Buyse, Kris, Lydia Fernández Pereda & Katrien Verveckken
The Reference to L1 and L2 in SFL: Proposals Based on the Aprescrilov Learner Corpus.
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 173
► pp. 274 ff.

Davidse, Kristin, Liesbet Heyvaert & An Laffut
Cotos, Elena
Enhancing writing pedagogy with learner corpus data.
ReCALL 26:2
► pp. 202 ff.

Cotos, Elena
Language for Specific Purposes and Corpus‐based Pedagogy. In
The Handbook of Technology and Second Language Teaching and Learning,
► pp. 248 ff.

De Cock, Sylvie & Henry Tyne
Corpus d'apprenants et acquisition des langues.
Recherches en didactique des langues et des cultures 11:1

Montero Perez, Maribel, Hans Paulussen, Lieve Macken & Piet Desmet
From input to output: the potential of parallel corpora for CALL.
Language Resources and Evaluation 48:1
► pp. 165 ff.

Uria, Larraitz, Montse Maritxalar & Igone Zabala
An Environment for Learner Corpus Research and Error Analysis.
International Journal of Computer-Assisted Language Learning and Teaching 4:3
► pp. 34 ff.

Alfaifi, Abdullah, Eric Atwell & Ghazi Abuhakema
Error Annotation of the Arabic Learner Corpus. In
Language Processing and Knowledge in the Web [
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 8105],
► pp. 14 ff.

Bailini, Sonia
SCIL: A Spanish Corpus of Italian Learners.
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 95
► pp. 542 ff.

Liu, Song, Peng Liu & Yoshiyori Urano
A Study of Composition/Correction System with Corpus Retrieval Function.
International Journal of Distance Education Technologies 11:3
► pp. 58 ff.

Specific Syntactic Complexity: Developmental Profiling of Individuals Based on an Annotated Learner Corpus.
The Modern Language Journal 97:S1
► pp. 11 ff.

Vyatkina, Nina
Data-driven learning for beginners: The case of German verb-preposition collocations.
ReCALL 28:2
► pp. 207 ff.

Jarvis, Scott
Lexical Challenges in the Intersection of Applied Linguistics and ANLP. In
Cross-Disciplinary Advances in Applied Natural Language Processing,
► pp. 50 ff.

Granger, Sylviane
How to use Foreign and Second Language Learner Corpora. In
Research Methods in Second Language Acquisition,
► pp. 5 ff.

Granger, Sylviane
Learner Corpora. In
The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics,

Granger, Sylviane
Learner Corpora. In
The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics,
► pp. 1 ff.

Yepes, Guadalupe Ruiz & Ramesh Krishnamurthy
Corpus Linguistics and Second Language Acquisition – the use of ACORN in the teaching of Spanish Grammar.
Lebende Sprachen 55:1

Mosavi Miangah, Tayebeh
Constructing a Large-Scale English-Persian Parallel Corpus.
Meta 54:1
► pp. 181 ff.

Belz, Julie A.
Corpus-Driven Characterizations of Pronominal da-Compound Use by Learners and Native Speakers of German.
Die Unterrichtspraxis/Teaching German 38:1
► pp. 44 ff.

Conrad, Susan M. & Kimberly R. LeVelle
Corpus Linguistics and Second Language Instruction. In
The Handbook of Educational Linguistics,
► pp. 539 ff.

[no author supplied]
Types of Computer Corpora. In
Computer Corpora and Open Source Software for Language Learning [
Advances in Educational Technologies and Instructional Design, ],
► pp. 1 ff.

This list is based on CrossRef data as of 27 december 2024. Please note that it may not be complete. Sources presented here have been supplied by the respective publishers.
Any errors therein should be reported to them.