Small Corpus Studies and ELT

Theory and practice

 | University of Brunei
 | International Pacific College, Palmerston North, New Zealand
 | International Pacific College, Palmerston North, New Zealand
ISBN 9789027222756 (Eur) | EUR 130.00
ISBN 9781588110350 (USA) | USD 195.00
ISBN 9789027298072 | EUR 130.00 | USD 195.00
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Recent developments in this field of small corpus studies, largely brought about by the personal computer, have yielded remarkable insights into the nature and use of real language. This book presents work by a number of leading researchers in the field and covers a series of topics directly related to language teaching and language research. The ultimate aim of this book is to encourage the exploitation of small corpora by the ELT profession to make language learning more effective. In addition to descriptions of the basic corpus analysis tools, chapters in the collection cover syllabus and materials design, comparisons of different genres, descriptions of local and functional grammars, compilation and use of learner corpora, and making cross-linguistic comparisons. The message of this collection is that language use is purposeful and culture specific and that small corpus analysis is an effective method of linguistic investigation.
Preface by: John Sinclair;
[Studies in Corpus Linguistics, 5] 2001.  xxiv, 419 pp.
Publishing status: Available
Published online on 21 October 2008
Table of Contents
“The volume highlights the relevance of small corpora in both language learning and teaching. In addition to the description of basic corpus analysis tools, it covers various issues (compilation and use of learner corpus, comparison of genres, cross-linguistic comparison, teaching-materials design, description of local and functional grammars) important for language education and research.”
Cited by (33)

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Bozhinova, Krastanka
2018. Intégration de corpus de petite taille et d'outils multilingues dans un dispositif de formation hybride centré sur les tâches. Alsic Volume 21 DOI logo
Danino, Charlotte
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Ibrahim, Bashir, Kamariah Yunus & Bashir Ibrahim
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Chen, Chenghui & Lawrence Jun Zhang
2017. An intercultural analysis of the use of hedging by Chinese and Anglophone academic English writers. Applied Linguistics Review 8:1  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Desagulier, Guillaume
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Johnson, Jane Helen
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Boulton, Alex
2015. Applying data-driven learning to the web. In Multiple Affordances of Language Corpora for Data-driven Learning [Studies in Corpus Linguistics, 69],  pp. 267 ff. DOI logo
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2014. Is this enough? A qualitative evaluation of the effectiveness of a teacher-training course on the use of corpora in language education. ReCALL 26:2  pp. 260 ff. DOI logo
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2012. Discourse and Interaction: Quantitative Methods. In The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics, DOI logo
Park, Kwanghyun
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Saber, Anthony
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2011. A computational text analysis of the South African banking sector's representation of its core values: A corpus-driven approach. Communicatio 37:3  pp. 422 ff. DOI logo
Pic, Elsa & Grégory Furmaniak
2010. Grammaire et degré de spécialisation. ASp 58  pp. 39 ff. DOI logo
Gries, Stefan Th.
2009. What is Corpus Linguistics?. Language and Linguistics Compass 3:5  pp. 1225 ff. DOI logo
Varley, Steve
2009. I'll just look that up in the concordancer: integrating corpus consultation into the language learning environment. Computer Assisted Language Learning 22:2  pp. 133 ff. DOI logo
Rimmer, Wayne
2006. Measuring grammatical complexity: the Gordian knot. Language Testing 23:4  pp. 497 ff. DOI logo
Stvan, Laurel Smith
2005. Inferring New Vocabulary Using Online Texts. Computers in the Schools 22:1-2  pp. 85 ff. DOI logo
Clynes, Adrian & Alex Henry
2004. Introducing Genre Analysis Using Brunei Malay Wedding Invitations. Language Awareness 13:4  pp. 225 ff. DOI logo

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Main BIC Subject

CF: Linguistics

Main BISAC Subject

LAN009000: LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Linguistics / General
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U.S. Library of Congress Control Number:  00067436 | Marc record