Data commentary in science writing
Using a small, specialized corpus for formative self-assessment practices
Data commentary, the verbal comment on visual material, is a complex area in
science writing; yet, few studies in academic writing focus on it. This chapter
presents an approach to the teaching and learning of data commentary in ESP
writing within the science disciplines involving direct application of a small,
specialized corpus of data commentaries drawn from published research articles
and master’s theses, all annotated for rhetorical moves. We exemplify how formative
self-assessment practices of data commentaries can be developed from
corpus-informed computer-assisted learning activities combining top-down
discourse analysis with bottom-up corpus analysis, and outline a methodology
for self-assessment practices. Our approach illustrates how a specialized corpus
and purposefully crafted learning activities can assist students in continuous
self-assessment practices. Such facilitation is of crucial value today as pedagogical
and curricular developments in science education increasingly emphasize
students’ awareness of communicative practices.
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Jin, Bixi
Rhetorical Differences in Research Article Discussion Sections of High- and Low-Impact Articles in the Field of Chemical Engineering.
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